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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › ActivityIndicatorBarItem doesn't animiate

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  • #20749

    Felgo User

    Is ActivityIndicatorBarItem supposed to animate if the “animating” property is set to true?  I would like to have a spinning animation in the navigation bar, however it does not initially spin when animating is set to true.   The showcase example (ExamplePage.xml) uses this control and it also does not initially spin, only if when the IconButtonBarItem is toggled.  Even then, it only spins for a few seconds.  Is this intended?  Is there a way I can get it spin indefinitely?


    Felgo Team


    the ActivityIndicatorBarItem as well as the AppActivityIndicator will be fixed with the next update. Until then, you can use this workaround:

    import Felgo 3.0
    import QtQuick 2.9
    App {
      NavigationStack {
        Page {
          title: "Activity Indicator"
          rightBarItem: ActivityIndicatorBarItem {
            Component.onCompleted: {
              var internalAnimation = data[0].data[0].data[0]
              // stop the internal animation to set the loops to infinite
              internalAnimation.loops = Animation.Infinite
              // from this point on the component works as desired
              // in case it should be running at the moment, we start the animation
              if(animating) internalAnimation.start()
          // same can be done for the AppActivityIndicator
          AppActivityIndicator {
            Component.onCompleted: {
              // different selector for the internal animation
              var internalAnimation = data[0].data[0]
              internalAnimation.loops = Animation.Infinite
              if(animating) internalAnimation.start()



    Felgo User

    Excellent.  Thanks for the quick response.  Works great.

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