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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › Add C++ model (QAbstractListModel) into ListPage with delegated SimpleRow

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  • #11783



    is it possible to add a derived c++ QAbstractListModel model to a ListPage with delegated SimpleRow ?
    I implemented such a class as singleton and registered it in the main.cpp file via qmlRegisterSingletonType(..).
    In QML I set the ListPage model to the registered singleton model and delegate to SimpleRow. With this constellation
    I receive a “ReferenceError: modelData is not defined” error. But when I change the SimpleRow with a Rectangle element,
    my c++ model works.


    Here is some Code:


    qmlRegisterSingletonType<SetListModel>("NoNameApp", 1, 0, "SetListModel", SetListModel::getInstance);


    ListPage.qml (with SimpleRow)

    import QtQuick 2.4
    import Felgo 3.0
    import NoNameApp 1.0
    ListPage {
        id: _set_listpage
        title: qsTr("Test")
        emptyText.text: qsTr("No data available")
        delegate: SimpleRow{
            showDisclosure: false
            image.radius: image.height
            image.fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectCrop
            autoSizeImage: true
            imageMaxSize: dp(48)
            detailTextItem.maximumLineCount: 2
            detailTextItem.elide: Text.ElideRight
            detailTextItem.text: model ? ""+model.birthdate + "\n" + ""+model.additionText : ""
            imageSource: model ? model.imageSmall : ""
            textItem.font.pixelSize: sp(16)
            onSelected: {
                navigationStack.popAllAndPush(_set_detail_page, {
                                                setName: model.text,
                                                addition: model.additionText,
                                                imageurl: model.imageBig
        Component {
            id: _set_detail_page
            SetDetailPage {}
        model: SetListModel

    ListPage.qml (with Rectangle)

    import QtQuick 2.4
    import Felgo 3.0
    import NoNameApp 1.0
    ListPage {
        id: _set_listpage
        title: qsTr("Test")
        emptyText.text: qsTr("No data available")
        delegate: Rectangle{
            width: parent.width
            height: 100
            color: "red"
                text: model.id+":"+model.text
        Component {
            id: _set_detail_page
            SetDetailPage {}
        model: SetListModel

    Best regards




    Felgo Team

    Hi Sascha!

    We designed the SimpleRow type for easy usage with models described as arrays. This turned out to be a problem when using ListModel based types together with the SimpleRow.

    We already fixed this error for the next update. Until then, it should work to add a dummy property “modelData” to your ListModel to get rid of the error.

        ListModel {
          id: listModel
          ListElement { title: "Title"; description: "description"; modelData: "dummy"  }
        ListPage {
            title: qsTr("Test")
            model: listModel
            delegate: SimpleRow{
                textItem.text: title
                detailTextItem.text: description

    Hope this also works for your C++ model in the same way!





    Hello Günther,


    thanks for your help. With a “modelData” dummy in my model it works now.

    Best regards


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