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OverviewFelgo 1 Support › AdMob plugin usage

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  • #5766



    I’m trying to get AdMob plugin to work but without success

    I added AdMob tag to “Empty Felgo” project

    When i run it, there are errors with AdMob enum

    C:/Projects/_VPlay/BannerExample-build-desktop-Qt_4_8_1_for_Desktop_-_MSVC2010__Qt_SDK__Debug/qml/main.qml:65: ReferenceError: Can’t find variable: AdMob


    import VPlay 1.0
    import QtQuick 1.1
    import VPlay.plugins.admob 1.0
    GameWindow {
        activeScene: scene
        width: 960
        height: 640
        <SOME CONTENT> 
            AdMob {
                id: admobSmart;
                publisherId: "pub-22320XXXXXXXXX"
                anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
                anchors.top: parent.top
                testDeviceId: "Test12345678";


    Can anyone can tell me what is wrong?

    Best Regards


    Felgo Team

    Hi Raimonds,

    the problem is, that on platforms where admob is not supported (i.e. all platforms except iOS and Android), the enum cannot be resolved. You can do the following to resolve this issue when you test your game on the desktop:

    a.) Add a conditional binding to use the AdMob enum, i.e. use this:

    banner: system.desktopPlatform ? 0 : AdMob.Smart


    b.) Only load the AdMob item on platforms where it is supported with a Loader. Like in the following example:

    Loader {
      sourceComponent: system.desktopPlatform ? undefined : admobComponent
    Component {
      id: admobComponent
      AdMob {
        // your admob code goes here
        banner: AdMob.Smart


    EDIT: Option (b) does not work with AdMob Smart banners, except the Loader is anchored to the top left corner of the gameWindowAnchorItem. In every other case, the AdMob item will be created slightly off screen by the loader and then repositioned. Between creating and repositioning, the Ad tries to show up, and since it’s not fully on screen, the AdMob SDK blocks all Ads. However, this problem only appears when the Component you load is only an AdMob item. Using the Loader item to load Scenes with AdMob items in it is no problem!

    Cheers, Chris



    Thanks Chris for quick answer!

    Additional confusion

    I’m following http://felgo.com/doc/plugins1-admob.html

    testDeviceId : QString

    Provide your device’s id here to receive test ads.

    What kind of ID and where i can find it?


    Additional… <FelgoSDK>\Examples\FelgoSDK\plugins\AdmobTest\qml\config.json

    in config is line for “plugins”


    Do i need it? In http://felgo.com/doc/plugins1-admob.html has nothing mentioned about it…



    Felgo Team

    You’re welcome Raimonds!

    You get the testDeviceId by inspecting the log output on your Android device. Here is a detailed explanation for it: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4524752/how-can-i-get-device-id-for-admob

    Thanks for bringing up this question – we will enhance the documentation so it will be more clear for future customers.

    You are right, the hint about adding it to the config file is also missing in the docs – please make sure to add it to the config file, we’ll also add this information to the next doc version. Well spotted 😉

    Cheers, Chris



    Christian said:

    Here is a detailed explanation for it: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4524752/how-can-i-get-device-id-for-admob

    From This link there is no clarity how to get Device ID if i only use Qt Felgo… i have no other tools installed.


    I found that there is an app which shows DeviceID


    but from


    i don’t understand… Do i have to hash it or not?



    Felgo Team

    The second answer on stackoverflow indeed is a bit confusing – you do not need to hash the deviceId, as the AdMob SDK does this for you. However, using the app you mentioned for getting the deviceId is a great solution for finding out the deviceId, we’ll add that to the docs!

    Cheers, Chris



    Hi Chris,

    I have tried to test my test app with AdMob, but with no success 🙁

    I took empty Felgo project…

    I tested on my Samsung Galaxy Pocet, but app is running as there was no additional components (AdMob Component is not visible)



      "title": "BannerTest",
      "identifier": "net.vplay.builds.BannerTest",
      "orientation": "landscape",
      "versioncode": 1,
      "versionname": "1.0",




    import VPlay 1.0
    import QtQuick 1.1
    import VPlay.plugins.admob 1.0
    GameWindow {
        activeScene: scene
        // the size of the Window can be changed at runtime by pressing the number keys 1-7
        // the content of the logical scene size (480x320 by default) gets scaled to the window size based on the scaleMode
        // you can set this size to any resolution you would like your project to start with, most of the times the one of your main target device
        // this resolution is for iPhone 4 & iPhone 4S
        // change this to a portrait resolution (e.g. 640x960) for games in portrait mode
        width: 960
        height: 640
        Scene {
            id: scene
            // the "logical size" - the scene content is auto-scaled to match the GameWindow size
            // change this to 320x480 for games in portrait mode
            width: 480
            height: 320
            // background rectangle matching the logical scene size (= safe zone available on all devices)
            Rectangle {
                id: rectangle
                anchors.fill: parent
                color: "grey"
                Text {
                    id: textElement
                    // qsTr() uses the internationalization feature for multi-language support
                    text: qsTr("Hello World")
                    color: "#ffffff"
                    anchors.centerIn: parent
                // use a MultiTouchArea instead of a MouseArea to detect multiple simultaneous touches
                MouseArea {
                    anchors.fill: parent
                    // when the rectangle that fits the whole scene is pressed, change the background color and the text
                    onPressed: {
                        textElement.text = qsTr("Scene-Rectangle is pressed at position " + mouseX + "," + mouseY);
                        rectangle.color = "black";
                        console.debug("pressed position:", mouseX, mouseY);
                    onPositionChanged: {
                        textElement.text = qsTr("Scene-Rectangle is moved at position " + mouseX + "," + mouseY);
                        console.debug("mouseMoved or touchDragged position:", mouseX, mouseY);
                    // revert the text & color after the touch/mouse button was released
                    // also States could be used for that - search for "QML States" in the doc
                    onReleased: {
                        textElement.text = qsTr("Hello World");
                        rectangle.color = "grey";
                        console.debug("released position:", mouseX, mouseY);
            Loader {
              sourceComponent: system.desktopPlatform ? adMobDesktopC : admobComponent
              anchors.bottom: scene.bottom
              anchors.horizontalCenter: scene.horizontalCenter
            Component {
              id: admobComponent
              AdMob {
                publisherId: "pub-2232083613XXXXXX"
                testDeviceId: "374092A335XXXXXX"
                // your admob code goes here
                banner: AdMob.Smart
                color: "Red"
                height: 50
                width: 380





    Felgo Team

    Did you try to have a look at the log output? Is it saying anything “suspicious”?

    Cheers, Chris



    How can i debug my app? I build my testApp with build server and install it on device. How can i get some output on device?



    Felgo Team

    You can follow the steps from Android Developers documentation about on-device debugging and then inspect the LogCat output.

    Cheers, Chris


    Felgo Team

    Hi Raimonds,

    the problem you are facing only occurs when using the AdMob component within a Loader component.

    Somehow the Admob component is not able to resize itself properly when added with the Loader, causing the Ad to lack space to be displayed.

    Until i track down the exact issue you can use the AdMob component without the Loader like this (and ignore the error message on desktop platform):

        AdMob {
          publisherId: "pub-2232083613XXXXXX"
          testDeviceId: "374092A335XXXXXX"
          banner: AdMob.Smart
          anchors.bottom: scene.bottom
          anchors.horizontalCenter: scene.horizontalCenter




    Hi Alex,

    I tested without Loader and still no luck… 🙁

    Am I the only one facing this problem?


    And I didn’t get output from device…


    Felgo Team

    Can you test the following Code, only replace the publisherId and the testDeviceId with yours:

    GameWindow {
      width: 960
      height: 640
      Scene {
        id: scene
        width: 480
        height: 320
        AdMob {
          publisherId: "XXX" // replace with yours
          testDeviceId: "XXX" // replace with yours
          banner: AdMob.Smart
          anchors.bottom: scene.bottom
          anchors.horizontalCenter: scene.horizontalCenter





    Thanks for quick response, Alex!

    I did what you said – Empty screen – no sign of AdMob component 🙁




    Felgo Team

    This is kinda strange, do you have any other devices you could test it on?

    The easiest way to get log output from your Android device is to install the ADT Bundle (Android SDK + eclipse with Android plugins)

    Download -> extract -> start eclipse -> go to Window>Show View>Other>Android>Log Cat -> connect device via USB and done.

    Then you can filter for PID or Application Identifier of your game (with level verbose). This output would really help debugging your devices issues.

    Anyway i will try some more devices and see if i can encounter a similar problem.


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