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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › AndroidTV remote control

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  • #20999


    I built and launched Felgo’s TodoList example on my nvidia shield TV. Works great, except I cannot control the app with my remote control. I tried to add the necessary focus:true in the AppListView but it still doesn’t want to intercept any key events. Any idea?

    Here’s my modified code (look for ‘FOCUS CODE HERE’)

      // show sorted/filterd todos of data model
      AppListView {
        id: listView
        anchors.fill: parent
        // the model specifies the data for the list view
        model: filteredModel
        // the delegate is the template item for each entry of the list
        delegate: SimpleRow {
          text: viewHelper.formatTodoId(model)
          detailText: "Title: "+title
          style.textColor: dataModel.isDraft(model) ? "grey" : Theme.listItem.textColor
          // push detail page when selected, pass chosen todo id
          onSelected: page.navigationStack.popAllExceptFirstAndPush(detailPageComponent, { todoId: model.id })
          // show marker for completed todos
          Rectangle {
            anchors.left: parent.left
            anchors.top: parent.top
            anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
            anchors.margins: dp(4)
            width: dp(4)
            color: completed ? "lightgreen" : Theme.secondaryBackgroundColor
        ////////////////////////////// FOCUS CODE HERE /////////////////////////////
        focus: true
        Keys.onPressed: console.log("Keys.onPressed:" + event.key)
        Keys.onDownPressed: incrementCurrentIndex()
        Keys.onUpPressed: decrementCurrentIndex()
        Keys.onReturnPressed: currentItem.selected();
        // item animations, supported by list view for view model types like JsonListModel, ListModel or SortFilterProxyModel
        add: Transition {
          NumberAnimation {
            property: "opacity";
            from: 0;
            to: 1;
            duration: 200
            easing.type: Easing.OutQuad;
        addDisplaced: Transition {
          NumberAnimation {
            properties: "x,y";
            duration: 200
            easing.type: Easing.OutQuad;
        remove: Transition {
          NumberAnimation {
            property: "opacity";
            from: 1;
            to: 0;
            duration: 200
            easing.type: Easing.OutQuad;
        removeDisplaced: Transition {
          NumberAnimation {
            properties: "x,y";
            duration: 200
            easing.type: Easing.OutQuad;
        // hide scroll indicator, we automatically load more when bottom is reached
        scrollIndicatorVisible: false
        // load more todos
        footer: VisibilityRefreshHandler {
          canRefresh: !dataModel.isFetchingTodos
          onRefresh: logic.fetchNextPage()
        // fetch todos when pulling list view for refresh
        PullToRefreshHandler {
          refreshing: dataModel.isFetchingTodos
          onRefresh: logic.fetchTodos()




    It looks like it might be the NavigationStack that is blocking the key focus. After making this change in the Main.qml, i can finally navigate the todo list with the remote control:

    //  // view
    //  NavigationStack {
    //    id: stack
    //    splitView: tablet // use side-by-side view on tablets
    //    initialPage: TodoListPage { }
    //  }
      TodoListPage {
          anchors.fill: parent

    I was actually thinking of not using the NavigationStack for my TV app anyway, so I guess I solved my own problem. But in the event that I need this in the future, is there a way to allow key events to propagate through the NativationStack?



    ok, i figured it out completely. You need to solve it the same way you’d solve this with QtQuick’s StackView, so the solution looks like this:

    // view
    NavigationStack {
      id: stack
      splitView: tablet // use side-by-side view on tablets
      initialPage: TodoListPage { }
      onCurrentPageChanged: currentPage.forceActiveFocus()

    and then your page code should have FocusScope element used like so:

    Page {
        onFocusChanged: {
            scope.focus = true
        FocusScope {
            id: scope
            anchors.fill: parent
            AppListView {
                focus: true


    I don’t know if there is a simpler solution, but it works and I hope it helps.


    Felgo Team

    Hi Mathieu,

    Yes, as you pointed out, the initial focus setting gets changed by the StackView’s focus handling.

    Thanks for sharing your solution!


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