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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › App doesn't recognize first touch when using back gesture on pixel 5

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  • #23980

    nks (baumemo)


    I think I found a bug in felgo on my pixel 5 phone.

    When I’m pressing the button (see code below) so that I switch to the “change count” screen and then making a back gesture (its important to make the gesture and not pressing the backbutton in the top left corner) to get back to “main” screen the next touch on the screen will not be recognized. The userexperience of my app feels very laggy because of that. Can you please fix it?

    import Felgo 3.0
    import QtQuick 2.0
    App {
      id: app
      property int count: 0
      // main page
      NavigationStack {
        Page {
          id: mainPage
          title: "Main"
          Column {
            anchors.centerIn: parent
            // text to show the current count and button to push the second page
            AppText {
              anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
              text: "Count " + app.count
            AppButton {
              text: "Push Counter Page"
              onClicked: mainPage.navigationStack.push(counterPageComponent)
      // inline-definition of a component, which is later pushed on the stack
      Component {
        id: counterPageComponent
        Page {
          title: "Change Count"
          property Page target: null
          Column {
            anchors.centerIn: parent
            // buttons to increase or decrease the count, which is displayed on the main page
            AppButton {
              text: "Count ++"
              onClicked: {
            AppButton {
              text: "Count --"
              onClicked: {




    Hi Sergej,


    Thank you for reporting this.

    I’ve not been able to reproduce this issue, neither using gesture navigations nor with standard 3-buttons navigation.


    Are you able to replicate it also with standard 3-buttons navigation or is it gesture only? Do you see anything funny going on in logs?


    nks (baumemo)

    It’s ony happens with gesture control. If I enable 3-button navigation everything works nicely.

    The log looks good.

    Hopefully you get a device to reproduce it :).



    Hi Sergej,


    we looked into it but we’re still not able to reproduce the issue. Have you been able to see this on different devices in the meantime? Another question, do you have accessibility features, custom ROMs, or anything that might alter the standard Android behavior in that regard?


    nks (baumemo)

    Hi Filippo,

    I have only seen this issue on the pixel 5 with felgo. The pixel 5 doesn’t have this problem in other apps. The pixel has no custom rom and has default configuration without any changes. Do you have a pixel 5 for testing?

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