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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › AppCard vertical drag?

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  • #23651

    BlueT - Matthew Lien - 練喆明

    Is there any way to make AppCard vertically draggable?

    I need to make a horizontal scrollable list of cards, and cards need to be vertically draggable (and drop).

    Setting  cardSwipeArea.mouseArea.drag.axis: Drag.YAxis doesn’t work, with error “QML Component: Cannot create delegate” and “Cannot set properties on mouseArea as it is null”.

    What I tried:

    import Felgo 3.0
    import QtQuick 2.0
    Page {
    	id: page
    	title: "Horizontal List"
    	Component.onCompleted: {
    		console.debug("YAxis: ", Drag.XAxis)
    	AppListView {
    		orientation: AppListView.Horizontal
    		height: parent.height / 3
    		anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
    		backgroundColor: transientParent
    		model: 10
    		delegate: AppCard {
    			id: card
    			width: page.width * 0.75
    			margin: dp(15)
    			paper.radius: dp(5)
    			swipeEnabled: true
    			// try to set, but failed
    			cardSwipeArea.mouseArea.drag.axis: Drag.YAxis
    			cardSwipeArea.rotationFactor: 0.05
    			header: SimpleRow {
    				imageSource: "https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2016/06/24/10/47/architecture-1477041_960_720.jpg"
    				text: "Lorem ipsum"
    				enabled: false
    				image.radius: image.width/2
    				image.fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectCrop
    				style: StyleSimpleRow {
    					showDisclosure: false
    					backgroundColor: "transparent"
    			content: AppText{
    				width: parent.width
    				padding: dp(15)
    				text: "#"+index



    Felgo Team


    I’d suggest to add your own MouseArea to handle the swipe. The internal AppCardSwipeArea is not intended for vertical use and might cause unexpected behavior.


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