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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › CameraVPlay only zooming

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  • #14130

    Felgo User



    CameraVPlay does not work  (it only zooms , but does not drag ) , when a child item has a MouseArea defined, but when I remove the MouseArea from the child item it drags and zooms properly.


    In the next example the last red rectangle ( at the center ), it does not drag the view , but if you remove the MouseArea it allows it.

    Is this an intended feature?



    import Felgo 3.0
     import QtQuick 2.0
     GameWindow {
       activeScene: gameScene
       EntityManager {
         id: entityManager
         entityContainer: gameScene.container
       Scene {
         id: gameScene
         // set scene alignment
         sceneAlignmentX: "left"
         sceneAlignmentY: "top"
         CameraVPlay {
           id: camera
           // set the gameWindowSize and entityContainer required for the camera
           gameWindowSize: Qt.point(gameScene.gameWindowAnchorItem.width, gameScene.gameWindowAnchorItem.height)
           entityContainer: container
           // if you don't set the focusedObject property, or set it to null, the camera is freely movable
           focusedObject: null
           // set the camera's limits
           limitLeft: 0
           limitRight: 600
           limitTop: 0
           limitBottom: 400
         Item {
           id: container
           // 5 green rectangles to make the player's movement visible
           Rectangle {
             x: 0; y: 0
             width: 32; height: 32
             color: "green"
           Rectangle {
             x: 568; y: 368
             width: 32; height: 32
             color: "green"
           Rectangle {
             x: 568; y: 0
             width: 32; height: 32
             color: "green"
           Rectangle {
             x: 0; y: 368
             width: 32; height: 32
             color: "green"
           Rectangle {
             x: 284; y: 184
             width: 32; height: 32
             color: "red"
                 anchors.fill: parent



    Felgo Team

    Hi Tahar!

    The CameraVPlay internally also uses a MouseArea to handle touch input. If you also add a MouseArea to the Rectangle, this MouseArea consumes the mouse-events before the camera (only one MouseArea can consume the event).

    If you want to be able to e.g. click the item but still move the camera if you start a drag, you would need to add that logic manually. The following code snippet implements a threshold for the Rectangle’s MouseArea to decide whether to recognize a click or a drag:

    Rectangle {
            x: 284; y: 184
            width: 32; height: 32
            color: "red"
              anchors.fill: parent
              // required properties to add dragging feature to mouse-area
              property point prevPos
              property real threshold: 500
              property bool drag: false
              onPressed: prevPos = Qt.point(mouse.x, mouse.y) // memorize mouse position
              // when the position changes, and we moved more than the defined threshold we move the camera
              onPositionChanged: {
                var diff = Qt.point(prevPos.x - mouse.x, prevPos.y - mouse.y) 
                if(drag || diff.x * diff.x + diff.y * diff.y > threshold) {
                  drag = true
                  camera.moveFreeCamera(diff.x, diff.y)
              // on release, we either end a camera-drag or handle the click
              onReleased: {
                if(drag) {
                  drag = false
                  camera.applyVelocity() // enables flicking on release
                else {


    Hope this helps!




    Felgo User

    Hi, thanks Günther , it works fine now, I really appreciate it.

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