I want to add a third click option onto an app button, I can easily do this with 2 using an onClicked event but need an additional 3rd option,
I am thinking something on the lines of
property var dayCycleArr: ["Full Day", "Half Day (AM)", "Half Day (PM)" ]
AppButton {
id: dayCycle
text: dayCycleArr[0]
z: 1
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
anchors.right: parent.right
onClicked: text = dayCycleArr ++
which I have tested and is not currently working, it displays the first index (which is specified as the initial text, but the text changes to NAN when I press it
I want to use this button to assign a time details in my firebase write; so it’ll be the selected index is what writes.
Should I be looping through this index to get this working? or how would I go about it?