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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › Connect Leaderboard to Facebook

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  • #8668



    I am trying to connect to FB using Game network, but i got this error


    D/Qt (13064): qrc:///qml/VPlay/gamenetwork/gnView/ProfileView.qml:101 (onClicked): qml: ProfileView: fb-button clicked with text: Connect with Facebook

    W/Qt (13064): qrc:///qml/VPlay/gamenetwork/VPlayGameNetwork.qml:3994 ((null)): qrc:///qml/VPlay/gamenetwork/VPlayGameNetwork.qml:3994: ReferenceError: Facebook is not defined


    Please advice



    Felgo Team

    There is a small inconsistency in the import statements between the engine & the native plugin implementations since our last plugin update.

    For desktop builds please use the import statement

    import VPlay.plugins.facebook 1.0

    as usual. For Android & iOS builds please use

    import VPlayPlugins.facebook 1.0

    We had to change the import due to changes in the QML import scanner shipping with Qt 5.4 on Android. This inconsistency will be fixed with the next update of our plugin, for which the desktop targets will use the last import statement too.





    Did this issue get solved?

    I’ve got the same issue, but I’ve got the import line as mentioned in the last post. And that does not solve the problem…



    To be more precise I tried to build on IOS with a fresh installation of Qt 5.4 + facebook plugin. I took the remaining and necessary libs from the facebook example  repository. I changed the import to the above mentioned code.




    Felgo Team

    Hi Jan,

    we are currently fixing this issue in the engine and hope to have an update with a fix released this week.

    Cheers, Chris



    Unfortunately I can not go back to a working version and therefore can not continue. Probably you could add the opportunity to the maintenance tool to recover/load older versions of the engine and plugins.


    Felgo Team

    Unfortunately, the Qt installer framework which we are using does not allow that. 🙁

    You could temporarily comment the VPlayGameNetwork item and its usage, so your game should run unaffected?

    Cheers, Chris



    As I just was doing some last tweaks before I wanted to create the “gold master” for a dot release thats unfortunately not an option.


    Felgo Team

    We hope to have this fixed until the mid of this week, maybe even on Tuesday – sorry for the inconvenience and we’re giving our best to resolve this asap!



    Felgo Team


    I got the following error when using “Connect with facebook” link from GameNetworkView:


    D/HotDogs ( 624): qrc:///qml/VPlay/gamenetwork/gnView/GnViewButton.qml:38 (onPressed): qml: button pressed: Connect with Facebook

    D/HotDogs ( 624): qrc:///qml/VPlay/gamenetwork/gnView/ProfileView.qml:102 (onClicked): qml: ProfileView: fb-button clicked with text: Connect with Facebook

    W/HotDogs ( 624): qrc:///qml/VPlay/gamenetwork/VPlayGameNetwork.qml:4125 ((null)): qrc:///qml/VPlay/gamenetwork/VPlayGameNetwork.qml:4125: ReferenceError: Facebook is not defined


    I think the problem may be connected with old imports in VPlayGameNetwork.qml file. I assume this because my custom code works fine:

    import Felgo 3.0
    facebook.postGraphRequest("me/feed", { "message" : "test" });

    I am using the 2.8.2 library version and testing it on my phone GT-I9195 (Android 4.4.2).



    In the VPlayGameNetwork.qml I see that import command is commented out:

    // do not import the VPlayPlugins folder here, otherwise on Android & iOS 
    // the QML importscanner would link a plugin also when it is not enabled, since Qt 5.4
    //import Felgo 3.0

    I could change this localy, but I can’t find the source file (only dummy ones from mingw or armv7 from the 5.6 build).

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by  inb.


    I have that issue too


    Felgo Team

    Hello guys,

    The issue will be fixed with an update, coming today, stay tuned!



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