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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › Connections: Cannot assign to non-existent property "onPageChanged"

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  • #18682



    I am getting error on loader connection as:

    /Users/ntms/Library/Application Support/Felgo Live Client/myComponent/qml/Main.qml:16: <b>QML Connections: Cannot assign to non-existent property “onPageChanged”</b>


    import Felgo 3.0
    import QtQuick 2.10
    import "mainui"
    App {
        id: rootApp
        signal pageChanged(int page);
        Loader {
            anchors.fill: parent
            source: "mainui/Page1.qml"
            Connections {
                target: rootLoader.item
                onPageChanged: {
                        case 1: rootLoader.source = "mainui/Page1.qml"; break;
                        case 2: rootLoader.source = "mainui/Page2.qml"; break;
    } // APP




    Hi Niyazi,
    I am a little confused on which signal are you trying to listen to.
    From code it looks like you want to react when mainui/Page1.qml or Page2.qml is changed.
    But you are listening to Page1.qml signal pageChanged.
    Are you sure that Page1.qml and Page2 send signal pageChanged?
    What type of object Page1/2.qml is?

    I see you added custom signal to your app pageChanged.
    If you want to react to that signal, in your Connections the target, should be: target: rootApp.


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