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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › Editable Component questions

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  • #18520


    Hi Felgo,
    Have few question about EditableComponent.


    1. Is there a way to put EditableComponent inside QtObject to edit this QtObject properties?
    From what I see there is a limitation that, with default behavior without defining target, EditableComponent parent must be Item based?
    Wanted to do something like:

    QtObject {
        property int someValue: 1
        EditableComponent {
               id: editableComponent
            property var defaultProperties
            properties: {
                "Something": {
                    "someValue": {},

    But looks like there is a limitation and it’s not possible at the moment.
    2. How are the EditableComponent properties sorted?
    It is a little confusing to me.
    For me the best would be that properties would be displayed in ItemEditor based on the order they were written.
    But there is some alphabetical ordering which is not helpful when you want to have some properties visible in the order you want.


    3. Is there a way to display array property data (var for example) in EditableComponent?
    In a way you can select one of the options.
    From what I saw it is not possible at the moment.
    For example:
    property var options: ["option1", 'apple", "pear"]




    Felgo Team

    Hi Marcin,

    1. QtObject is really just a plain object, which does not have a visual representation and can’t hold QML child Items, which are part of the visual QML scene-graph.
    2. The order of EditableComponent properties can not be changed at the moment. The properties for EditableComponent are specified as Javascript Objects, which do not have a guaranteed property order when being read by ItemEditor then.
    3. You’re right, a component to choose between several property options is also not available so far.


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