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OverviewFelgo 1 Support › EntityBaseDraggable with embedded ParallaxItem

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  • #5222


    Hi Alex, no worries. In fact I had the impression that this couldn’t be solved trivially. But I fully trust your troubleshooting skills 😉
    Looking forward to hearing from you and thanks again for the support, Martin


    Felgo Team

    Well, to be honest, the drang/drop fix is quite triavially.

    The EntityBaseDraggable is only draggable when the state of the scene is “levelEditing”

    state: "levelEditing"

    But we are currently discussing if the ParallaxItem can even fit your needs.
    Hopefully we have good news for you soon.

    Cheers, Alex


    Felgo Team

    Here is the problem we are facing:
    The ParallaxItem only changes the visual presentation of a component (since it’s normally just used for moving backgrounds etc.), it doesn’t affect the logical position of the QML containers such as the entity or the collider (needed for collision detection when placing). This means the entities actual position will be different than it’s visual presentation when moving. Your 2nd layer (without parallax effect anyway) is of course no problem, but i fear it won’t be possible to place such draggable parallax entities on your 3rd layer.


    May i ask you what kind of objects would be in the 3rd layer?


    Cheers, Alex



    Hi Alex, thanks for the clarifications. On the 3rd layer are larger objects which obstruct the view on the player. However, these objects are no obstacles and no collisions can occur.

    With regard to the 2nd layer w/o parallax, it’s still unclear to me how even this case can work when using a larger play-field than the screen. Have you tried my setting in this post? Of course, if the level (=levelContainer) is at initial position (0,0) everything’s fine. But if you move the origin (use the respective keys), things directly go pear shaped since the visual representation and the collider do not correspond any more. How can this be fixed?

    Cheers, Martin


    Felgo Team

    Yeah i was working with the nice settings of your post the whole time, can’t wait to see the real game 😀


    I was thinking of this setup:
    BEButton.qml not changed.

    import QtQuick 1.1
    import VPlay 1.0
    import Box2D 1.0
    EntityBaseDraggable {
      id: obstacle
      entityType: "obstacle"
      width: size
      height: size
      property int size: 64
      colliderComponent: collider
      selectionMouseArea.anchors.fill: collider
      gridSize: size
      Rectangle {
        id: rectangle
        color: "yellow"
        x: -width/2
        y: -height/2
        width: parent.width
        height: parent.height
      BoxCollider {
        id: collider
        x: -width/2
        y: -height/2
        bodyType: Body.Static

    Just a simple standard EntityBaseDraggable this time.
    And now main.qml

    import VPlay 1.0
    import QtQuick 1.1
    GameWindow {
        activeScene: scene
        width: 960; height: 640
        focus: true
        Keys.forwardTo: controller
            id: entityManager
            entityContainer: levelgrid
            dynamicCreationEntityList: [Qt.resolvedUrl("Block.qml")]
        TwoAxisController {
            id: controller
            inputActionsToKeyCode: {
                "up": Qt.Key_W,
                        "down": Qt.Key_S,
                        "left": Qt.Key_D,
                        "right": Qt.Key_A,
                        "fire": Qt.Key_Space
            target: levelContainer
            property: "pos"
            running: true
            property real scale: 200
            velocity: Qt.point(controller.xAxis*scale,controller.yAxis*scale)
        Scene {
            id: scene
            width: 480
            height: 320
            state: "levelEditing"
            PhysicsWorld {}
            LevelEditor {
                id: levelEditor
                toRemoveEntityTypes: ["obstacle"]
                toStoreEntityTypes: ["obstacle"]
            // === LEVEL ===
                id: levelContainer
                // === BACKGROUND ===
                    id: background
                    ratio: Qt.point(0.6,0.6)
                        rows: 10; columns: 10; spacing: 50
                            model: 100
                                width: 100; height: 100
                                color: "grey"
                // === GAME LAYER ===
                    id: levelgrid
                        rows: 10; columns: 10; spacing: 75
                            model: 100
                                x: 75; y: 75
                                width: 75; height: 75
                                color: "red"
                // === FOREGROUND ===
                    id: foreground
                    ratio: Qt.point(1.3,1.3)
                        rows: 10; columns: 10; spacing: 100
                            model: 100
                                x: 100; y: 100
                                width: 50; height: 50
                                color: "Blue"
            BEButton{ }

    Now we got a parallax background and a parallax foreground, moving with the defined ratio to the (non-parallax but standard Item instead) game layer between them. Note that i also changed the

    entityContainer: levelgrid

    of the EntityManager for correct visibility (z-order) of the entities.

    Now if you run your project, you can see that you can drag and drop around your entities anywhere in the game layer.

    I hope this is what you are looking for?

    Cheers, Alex





    Thanks again for your support, Alex. Yes, this works with the game layer. Could you briefly explain why the rectangles (of Block) appear at different locations than their associated collider boxes when the levelContainer is not at the origin? Apparently the coordinates of the physical world are not translated like the position of the levelContainer.

    I will have to see if I can find some work-around for the top layer.

    Best, Martin



    Felgo Team

    You’re welcome anytime Martin.

    That’s because the PhysicsWorld is a child of the non moving Scene. That was obviously my fault, I didn’t watch out where i put it since we just needed it that the colliders of the EntityBaseDraggable work.

    Try the following setup for your main.qml:

    import VPlay 1.0
    import QtQuick 1.1
    GameWindow {
        activeScene: scene
        width: 960; height: 640
        focus: true
        Keys.forwardTo: controller
            id: entityManager
            entityContainer: levelgrid
            dynamicCreationEntityList: [Qt.resolvedUrl("Block.qml")]
        TwoAxisController {
            id: controller
            inputActionsToKeyCode: {
                "up": Qt.Key_W,
                        "down": Qt.Key_S,
                        "left": Qt.Key_D,
                        "right": Qt.Key_A,
                        "fire": Qt.Key_Space
            target: levelContainer
            property: "pos"
            running: true
            property real scale: 200
            velocity: Qt.point(controller.xAxis*scale,controller.yAxis*scale)
        Scene {
            id: scene
            width: 480
            height: 320
            state: "levelEditing"
            LevelEditor {
                id: levelEditor
                toRemoveEntityTypes: ["obstacle"]
                toStoreEntityTypes: ["obstacle"]
            // === LEVEL ===
                id: levelContainer
                // === BACKGROUND ===
                    id: background
                    ratio: Qt.point(0.6,0.6)
                        rows: 10; columns: 10; spacing: 50
                            model: 100
                                width: 100; height: 100
                                color: "grey"
                // === GAME LAYER ===
                    id: levelgrid
                    width: 2000
                    height: 2000
                    PhysicsWorld {
                      anchors.fill: parent
                      id: world
                        rows: 10; columns: 10; spacing: 75
                            model: 100
                                x: 75; y: 75
                                width: 75; height: 75
                                color: "red"
                    EntityBase {
                      id: entity
                      entityType: "ball"
                      x: 100
                      y: 100
                      Rectangle {
                        id: rectangle
                        width: 30
                        height: 30
                        color: "yellow"
                      BoxCollider {
                        id: collider
                        anchors.fill: rectangle
                    Component {
                      id: mouseJoint
                      MouseJoint {
                        maxForce: 30000
                        dampingRatio: 1
                        frequencyHz: 2
                    MouseArea {
                      anchors.fill: parent
                      property Body selectedBody: null
                      property MouseJoint mouseJointWhileDragging: null
                      onPressed: {
                        selectedBody = world.bodyAt(Qt.point(mouseX, mouseY));
                        console.debug("selected body at position", mouseX, mouseY, ":", selectedBody);
                        // if the user selected a body, this if-check is true
                        if(selectedBody) {
                          // create a new mouseJoint
                          mouseJointWhileDragging = mouseJoint.createObject(world)
                          // set the target position to the current touch position (initial position)
                          mouseJointWhileDragging.targetPoint = Qt.point(mouseX, mouseY)
                          // connect the joint with the body
                          mouseJointWhileDragging.movingBody = selectedBody
                          // set the physicsWorld where the joint should be created
                          mouseJointWhileDragging.world = world
                      onPositionChanged: {
                        // this check is necessary, because the user might also drag when no initial body was selected
                        if (mouseJointWhileDragging)
                          mouseJointWhileDragging.targetPoint = Qt.point(mouseX, mouseY)
                      onReleased: {
                        // if the user pressed a body initially, remove the created MouseJoint
                        if(selectedBody) {
                          selectedBody = null
                          if (mouseJointWhileDragging)
                // === FOREGROUND ===
                    id: foreground
                    ratio: Qt.point(1.3,1.3)
                        rows: 10; columns: 10; spacing: 100
                            model: 100
                                x: 100; y: 100
                                width: 50; height: 50
                                color: "Blue"
            BEButton{ }

    I also added a “ball” for you to check that the physics definitely work and all colliders are at the right spot.





    Very nice, indeed!

    Cheers, Martin

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