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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › Felgo App crashed on NavigationStack back button (PhysicsWorld + BoxCollider)

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  • #22678

    Sylvia Winkler


    my Felgo App crashes every time I use PhysicsWorld+BoxCollider and then navigate back from the NavigationStack. This behaviour only appears when I use those two components combined (PhysicsWorld and BoxCollider). My guess is that the deconstruction of entities is causing troubles (see StackTrace below). It crashes in the LiveDemo on my computer and on my phone (iOS) as well.

    This is a minimal version of the code that crashes:

    import Felgo 3.0
    import QtQuick 2.0
    App {
        NavigationStack {
            Page {
                id: main
                SimpleButton {
                    text: "next scene"
                    onClicked: main.navigationStack.push(component)
        Component {
            id: component
            Page {
                GameWindowItem {
                    activeScene: subScene
                    EntityManager {
                        id: entityManager
                        entityContainer: subScene
                    Scene {
                        id: subScene
                        PhysicsWorld {
                            gravity: Qt.point(0, 25)
                        EntityBase {
                            id: player
                            entityType: "player"
                            width: 25
                            height: 25
                            Rectangle {
                                anchors.fill: parent
                                color: "blue"
                            BoxCollider {
                                id: playerCollider
                                anchors.fill: parent

    An excerpt from the crash report:
    Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
    0 net.vplay.apps.QMLLive 0x000000010b4cbc4a Box2DBody::~Box2DBody() + 42
    1 net.vplay.apps.QMLLive 0x000000010b4c533f QQmlPrivate::QQmlElement<Box2DBody>::~QQmlElement() + 47
    2 org.qt-project.QtCore 0x000000010dd980e0 QObjectPrivate::deleteChildren() + 224
    3 org.qt-project.QtCore 0x000000010dd97ec4 QObject::~QObject() + 1700
    4 org.qt-project.QtQuick 0x000000010bf32647 QQuickItem::~QQuickItem() + 871

    I am using MacOS, QtCreator 4.10.2, Felgo 3.3.0.

    What can I do to avoid this problem?

    Thanks for your help!



    Felgo Team

    Hi Sylvia,

    we recommend not to destroy the PhysicsWorld, as this can cause unexpected behaviour, e.g. the crash you experience. Our usual recommendation is to have one instance of your PhysicsWorld in your root component, and re-parent it to your desired component when required. Here is a quick example of how this could look like:

    import Felgo 3.0
    import QtQuick 2.0
    App {
        // those aliases as child of the root item make the id's available globally
        property alias physicsContainer: physicsContainer
        property alias physicsWorld: physicsWorld
        Item {
            id: physicsContainer
            anchors.fill: parent
            PhysicsWorld {
                id: physicsWorld
                gravity: Qt.point(0, 25)
        NavigationStack {
            Page {
                id: main
                SimpleButton {
                    text: "next scene"
                    onClicked: main.navigationStack.push(component)
        Component {
            id: component
            Page {
                // depending on your app, there might be better spots where to do the re-parenting and start/stop your game
                onPushed: {
                    physicsWorld.parent = subScene
                onPopped: {
                    physicsWorld.parent = physicsContainer
                GameWindowItem {
                    activeScene: subScene
                    EntityManager {
                        id: entityManager
                        entityContainer: subScene
                    Scene {
                        id: subScene
                        EntityBase {
                            id: player
                            entityType: "player"
                            width: 25
                            height: 25
                            Rectangle {
                                anchors.fill: parent
                                color: "blue"
                            BoxCollider {
                                id: playerCollider
                                anchors.fill: parent

    Let me know if such an approach works for you or if there are any more questions.



    Sylvia Winkler

    Hi Alex,

    thanks for the fast and helpful answer! That totally solved my issue.

    Have a great week,


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