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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › Felgo live 2.16.0, one project = one instance?

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  • #19018


    Hi Felgo,
    Since the upgrade I observe new behavior.
    Want to double check if it’s intentional.
    If I have one project open, QtCreator starts one instance on Felgo server.
    With every next project I add to current session, QtCreator, allegedly, starts another instance of Felgo live server.
    Are you able to confirm that, is it intentional?

    Linux Mint

    PS. Probably you’re aware but links (for example when you click “add mobile” on live server window), redirect to not up-to date documentation.
    It points to blog post with 2.14 release? Anyway, UI changed since then so probably would be nice to update docs links at some point.


    Felgo Team

    Hi Marcin,

    there should be only instance of the Live Server afaik – I’m going to forward the bug report.

    Thanks for help,

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