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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › Felgo Live has a very bad memory issues :(

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  • #17820



    I create a project yesterday. Today I backup that project and in different directory under my mac home directory I created another project with same name.

    Today I work all day with new project. I delete old project completely. I try to build dynamic translation in QML project for English and Russian language. Its very funny that when I run the Felgo it shows my deleted project. 🙁 Is this is a joke or another bug for Felgo Live?


    If you allow us to put some picture here I can show you what you mean. How on earth Felgo Live shows me my deleted demo app ???????????

    It is a 01:00 (am) in my country and I try to figure out what went wrong with Felgo Live. I need help ASAP please.


    Felgo Team


    the Felgo Live client stores project files in its local application directory after receiving them from the Live Server, in order to load the files. We are using the AppDataLocation path you can find here: http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qstandardpaths.html

    For desktop this would be:

    • macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/Felgo Live Client
    • Windows: C:/Users/<USER>/AppData/Roaming/Felgo Live Client (the Roaming folder is hidden by default with Windows Explorer, make sure you display hidden folders)

    However Felgo Live should always show your active project in Qt Creator. If that is not the case, please close the Live Server (and Client if not closing automatically) and restart Felgo Live with the Live Run button in QtC (green triangle with LIVE). Make sure that you have your current project activated in Qt Creator and the correct main file (with your root component App or GameWindow) is selected in the Live Server.



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