cplusplusistough@gmail.com said:
Hi All,
It’d be really great to get an demo project that demonstrates mixing of VPlay Games and VPlay Apps. I’m trying hard to use only what’s necessary in my game rather than diving deep into the great tools provided by VPlay Apps as there’s a lot of issues along the road. If there was a demo project that showed what’s compatible and what’s not, the workarounds, etc, I’d be more comfortable with making full use of VPlay Apps in my game.
Many thanks!
Perhaps it’s up for discussion, but could I have gotten it the wrong way around?
I spent 2 weeks trying to get VPlay App components to play nicely with my VPlay Game, and I did get reasonably far. It then eventually dawned on me that my game didn’t actually need anything in VPlay Game other than the storage facilities.
So I rolled up my sleeves and tried porting it over to be a VPlay App game with custom items for my game. Hey presto, in less than a few hours I’d created a fairly slick wireframe that with a bit more work can become an awesome UI, including all my old game components.
The biggest difficulty with VPlay Game is creating the UI, handling windows and states etc. All of that is handled perfectly well by VPlay Apps.
If a VPlay Game scene item can be embedded in a VPlay App Page… then I think that’s a far more powerful combo than the other way around.