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OverviewFelgo 1 Support › Flickable + Repeater + Model

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  • #6969


    I’m trying to implement a listview and used your LevelSelectionScene.qml as a reference, but I can’t get it working properly.Everything works, except my model which points to a function which is a getValue call to my Storage. My storage currently contains

    one JSON.stringified object which I want to set to the model.


    Flickable {
    id: flickable
    property alias model: repeater.model

    Repeater {
    id: repeater
    delegate: testDelegate
    model: loadListModel()
    onModelChanged: {
    console.debug(“something changes”)

    Component {
    id: testDelegate()
    Rectangle {
    width: 100; height: 200
    color: “black”
    border.color: “black”
    Text {
    text: repeater.model[0].name // returnsĀ  [undefined]
    font.family: defaultFont.name
    color: “white”

    function loadListModel() {
    console.log(“loading “)
    return [parapendium.getValue(“test”)] // returns my object inside an array

    In some other .qml where I use the FlickList.qml component from above I call explicit:

    flickList.loadListModel() and my FlickList creates one object, but the properties inside the delegate can’t be resolved.

    Why has it to be that complicated? D:



    • This topic was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by  supaiku.


    Forget what I said, I found the problem:

    Taken from storage.js line 122

     var rs = tx.executeSql('INSERT OR REPLACE INTO settings VALUES (?,?);', [key,JSON.stringify(value)]);

    There is JSON.stringify called again on the value which I already JSON.stringified. Passing a non-stringified object solves the problem.


    I think that should be mentioned in the documentation somewhere.



    Felgo Team

    Hi spike,

    great you found the issue – we’ll add this information to the next doc version!

    Thanks for reporting,


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