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OverviewFelgo Plugins Support › Google Analytics and Firebase ?

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    I’m trying to use Google Analytics.

    However the app does not give any error but also does not register anything, events, screns.

    Is there any limitation of using GA together with Firebase?

    I followed all the steps described in the Plugin configuration.

    The id is ok: propertyId: “UA-86719XXX-3”

    I tried to register events:
    ga.logScreen (“Firebase”)
    ga.logEvent (“User Action”, “Start Firebase”)

    What is missing ?



    Felgo Team

    Hi Neto,

    are you using the Live Client or standard build&run from Qt Creator?




    I generated the application with all the necessary data and settings.

    Android for example: I managed the apk.

    apply plugin: ‘com.google.gms.google-services’ (ok)
    classpath ‘com.google.gms: google-services: 3.0.0’ (ok)

    dependencies {
    compile fileTree (dir: ‘libs’, include: [‘* .jar’])
    compile ‘net.vplay.plugins: plugin-facebook: 2. +’
    compile ‘net.vplay.plugins: plugin-onesignal: 2. +’
    compile ‘net.vplay.plugins: plugin-firebase: 2. +’
    compile ‘net.vplay.plugins: plugin-notification: 2. +’

    I get google-services.json from Firebase

    All right, I think ..

    I really do not know why you are not generating logs in Analytics


    Felgo Team

    Hi Neto,

    did you try using GA alone successfully? Where are you calling the log event methods, are you 100% sure they get called correctly?

    There is no known limitation of using Firebase together with GA, please also test each plugin works separately in your project.




    Hi Alex,

    I did all the tests possible.

    I just created an app with the Analytics plugin just like the template you provided and even then it did not register it.

    Today in the Google Analytics configuration when we create a “Mobile App” it only allows it to be linked to a “Firebase” project.

    I followed the steps described in the Plugin documentation and also the link

    The firebase and OneSignal events appear and are logs. But the events I create with the plugin do not work. See the image of my attached analytcs.

    I tried using DebugView on android on both the device and the simulator. Firebase events work (screen_view etc …) but the ones I try to generate by the plugin do not.

    I really could not make it work.

    See the other image I attached where I got the “ID” of the project in the analytcs.

    I always use firebase in my projects, which is why analytics will not let me create a “Mobile App” that is not linked to the firebase.

    Thank you in advance for your help.

    Image 01

    Image 02




    As I imagined I created a new analytics account that was not linked to Firebase, it allowed me to create Mobile APP without linking to Firebase.
    Now everything is ok.



    I’m in the same situation.

    I have to use Firebase and I insert propertyId inside GoogleAnalytics plugin but it can’t track events.

    I have read all steps in this guide https://felgo.com/doc/plugin-googleanalytics/ but i can’t make it works.

    Are there known issues with Firebase Analytics?


    Felgo Team

    Hi Carmelo,

    Google Analytics and Firebase Analytics are not identical / interchangeable. The Firebase Plugin supports Authentication and Database features, but not yet analytics. The Google Analytics plugin works separate from Firebase. As Neto mentioned in his reply above, you should be able to use Google Analytics with a different Google Setup/ID that does not use Firebase.

    We will replace the Google Analytics Plugin with Firebase Analytics some time in the future, as Firebase will be the new all-in-one solution.



    Felgo Team


    A quick update, to use the classic Google Analytics, you now need to create a new “Website” property, we update our documentation accordingly. Firebase Analytics (the successor of Google Analytics for mobile apps) will be added with one of the next Felgo updates.


    Alex from Felgo

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