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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › GoogleMap

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  • #24769



    i’m trying to use this https://github.com/vladest/googlemaps i compile using the qmake from the Felgo directory, but when i add the plugin in my map

    Plugin {
          id: googleMaps
          name: "googlemaps"
          PluginParameter {
                          id: gmap
    AppMap {
       plugin: gmap

    I have a blank screen. Has someone tryed this thing?


    Felgo Team

    Hi Nicola,

    The Felgo AppMap extends the regular QML Map and Felgo does not have an effect how the map component and map plugins work from Qt side. We usually use and recommend the MapBox plugin which Qt supports out-of-the-box, so I can’t give any details on the correct integration and usage of the 3rd party Google Maps plugin.

    One thing I noticed in your snippet: You generally set the Plugin { id: googleMaps } as “plugin” property of the map. But in your code snippet the PluginParamater { id: gmap } is used as map plugin.

    We can also help out and have a closer look at integrating Google Maps as part of our Development Services offering. For that you can contact us at support@felgo.com.



    Victor Manuel

    I try to use this geoservice too. After compiling it and locating the plugin in the Felgo plugins directory, when I run the application I only get a blank screen and an error in the console: 1 , “The geoservices provider is not supported.”

    AppMap {
            id: map
            plugin: Plugin {
                id: mapPlugin
                name: "googlemaps"
                parameters: [
                    PluginParameter { name: "googlemaps.maps.apikey"; value: "mykey" }

    Is it possible that they reviewed and included this plugin https://github.com/vladest/googlemaps for googlemaps in Felgo?



    Felgo Team

    Hi Victor,

    we will evaluate adding support for Google Maps to the next Felgo update, or to provide an example/guide on how to include this plugin.



    Victor Manuel

    Thank you Alex. This is a good idea. The support for google maps will give Felgo one more added value. There are many customers who require the use of this map service.

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