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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › Help with creating individual reel symbol frequencies on slot machine

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  • #24640


    Hello, I don’t know a lot about C++ but I’m trying to make it so I can have different symbol frequencies on each reel (e.g. 4 bananas on the first, 4 on the second, 5 on the third, and 6 on the fourth. I know right now the tutorial has you make a single reel and then it copies it depending on how many reels you have but I was wondering if I could change this easily. Thanks!


    Felgo Team


    Alex, after reading through it there is no guide on how to set up multiple reels all with different frequencies. From what I understand in order to assign a frequency using the symbols property you have to be using SlotMachineModel but once you use that it sets the format for the whole slot machine. Additionally, if I tried to use SlotMachineReel and I could only assign model and delegate, no symbols property. Any guidance on where to go from here? Thank you so much for your help!


    Felgo Team


    the frequency is just used to specify how often a symbol appears, so something like:

    • Apple with frequency of 2
    • Orange with frequency of 3

    would resullt in a reel like [A,A,O,O,O] or [A,O,O,A,O] or any other variation of it. If you are creating your reels fully custom anyway, then you have to consider such a “frequency” yourself in your own algortihm to create your reels. Like you mentioned in the initial question:

     (e.g. 4 bananas on the first, 4 on the second, 5 on the third, and 6 on the fourth)

    That is basically exactly the frequency. You can to create those [A,O,O,A,O] symbol models yourself as you desire, and use them to create your reels.


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