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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › How GameWindow can use QtQuick > 2.2

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  • #15407



    I’m trying to convert an Qt application to Felgo. Previous application use ApplicationWindow (like GameWindow), but with recent functionnality like header and footer. Just remplacing ApplicationWindow by GameWindow don’t work because GameWindow is based on QtQuick 2.2, and i need at least QtQuick 2.6.

    Changing QtQuick version in GameWindowApplicationWindow.qml don’t change anything because i suppose Felgo need to be recompiled.

    Is there a solution to achieve that ?



    I don’t think you should any problems using Qt Quick 2.6.
    If you use QtKit with Qt 5.7(and probably you do) by just importing Qt Quick 2.6 the app will include this version of the library when you try to build it(so click run in QtCreator).
    I am almost sure Qt Quick version is not the problem here, the version you need should just work if you change it on the import line.

    Best regards,




    Yeah, I use Qt 5.7 kit, but it’s not the problem. I Include QtQuick 2.6 in my main.qml and i get all the functionnalities QtQuick 2.6 provide, except  new functionnalities embbeded inside ApplicationWindow, who is inherited by GameWindow, because GameWindow use QtQuick 2.2



    Thank you for clarification.
    Of course you explained this quite well in your first post but I still didn’t get it.
    Sorry for that.
    Probably only Felgo team can help you with that.


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