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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › How to make app for internationalization and localization with Felgo

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  • #17815


    I want to make a small demo app. And I want to my app to accept 3 different languages such as Turkish, English and Russian. How to make my app that can change when the user chooses the desired languages?

    Kind Regards


    Felgo Team


    Yes I did Alex. I created translation folder under my project qml directory. I also update my .pro file as shown in the link. But I get below error.

    I found that my project directory has in upper capital QML folder name. But error shows that I have to create a lower capital qml folder name.

    I am confuse here.

    Cannot create /Users/ntms/ProjectsMobile/CAPITALBANK/qml/translations/tr_TR.ts: No such file or directory

    Cannot create /Users/ntms/ProjectsMobile/CAPITALBANK/qml/translations/en_EN.ts: No such file or directory

    Cannot create /Users/ntms/ProjectsMobile/CAPITALBANK/qml/translations/ru_RU.ts: No such file or directory




    Today after I update grade issues I get different error running Tools-External-Linguist-lupdate as;


    sh: /opt/android/android-ndk-r10e/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-g++: No such file or directory

    WARNING: Project ERROR: You need to set the ANDROID_NDK_ROOT environment variable to point to your Android NDK.

    WARNING: Could not read qmake configuration file /Users/ntms/FelgoSDK/Felgo/android_armv7/mkspecs/android-g++/qmake.conf.

    “/Users/ntms/FelgoSDK/Felgo/android_armv7/bin/lupdate” finished


    Any help please?


    Felgo Team


    we received your email to the Felgo Support and will have a closer look.
    We’ll get back to you with further details once we’ve investigated your issue!



    Felgo Team

    Regarding the NDK issue:

    Can you have a look at your Qt Creator Preferences for Android if the NDK path is set correctly there?




    Yes it is set to correctly. First I install android-ndk-r16b and set to this directory and I failed. Later I re-point to android-ndk-r10e directory and now is working


    Felgo Team

    I see, so based on your warning

    WARNING: Project ERROR: You need to set the ANDROID_NDK_ROOT environment variable to point to your Android NDK.

    and the fact that there was previously NDK 16 installed, I assume that the ANDROID_NDK_ROOT environment variable is not set correctly. It maybe still points to the NDK r16b installation you had previously.

    Please check the environment variables on your system to see if the ANDROID_NDK_ROOT is also set to the NDK r10e installation.


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