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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › How to overwrite navigationbar background color?

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  • #21524


    is there a way to overwrite the property ‘Theme.navigationBar.backgroundColor’ for a specific Page?


    Felgo Team


    that is not possible at the moment. You can, however, set the Page::navigationBarTranslucency to 1.0.

    This allows to create a fully custom Header-design within the Page.

    Günther from Felgo



    Thank you for your answerd, I tried this, but still having a lot of problems, I added this to my Page:



    Page {
        id: register
        navigationBarTranslucency: 1.0
        backgroundColor: Theme.secondaryBackgroundColor
        titleItem: NavigationBarRow {
              Text {
                  text: "Regístrate"
                  font.family: roboto.name
                  font.pixelSize: dp(20)
                  font.weight: Font.Bold
                  color: "black"
                  anchors.centerIn: parent

    However, in one page works, but on the next dosen’t, I new on QML, so I don’t know what Im doing wrong


    first page:

    second page:

    Same code for the header on both pages, just different id and content

    What Im doing wrong?


    EDIT: I also getting this error on the page where this works:

    qrc:/qml/VPlayApps/navigation/NavigationBarRow.qml:292: QML Row: Cannot specify left, right, horizontalCenter, fill or centerIn anchors for items inside Row. Row will not function.


    Felgo Team


    please note that using the navigationBarTranslucency property causes the Page to fill the whole screen (because the navigation bar blends through), so your page layout must handle the top offset.

    Your error indicates that you are using wrong anchoring within a layout component. For example, you cannot use horizontal anchoring within a Row, because the Row tries to handle the horizontal layout. You can still use vertical anchoring (e.g. anchors.verticalCenter, or anchors.top) but not horizontal (e.g. anchors.left). Using such wrong anchoring breaks the layout (error message: “Row will not function.”)




    Any plan to support this property in future version?



    Thank you for your answer, I fixed, like this, but I feel like cheating:

    Page {
        id: registerByPhonePage
        navigationBarTranslucency: 1.0
        title: "Regístrate"
        backgroundColor: Theme.secondaryBackgroundColor
        property bool error: false
        width: parent.width
        titleItem: Row {
            spacing: dp(6)
            AppText {
                id: titleText
                anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
                text: registerPage.title
                font.family: roboto.name
                font.pixelSize: dp(Theme.navigationBar.titleTextSize)        
                font.bold: true
                font.weight: Font.Bold
                color: "black"
        Column {
            id: contentCol
            anchors.left: parent.left
            anchors.top: parent.top
            anchors.right: parent.right
            anchors.margins: contentPadding
            spacing: contentPadding
            Rectangle {
                id: headerSpacer
                height: titleItem.height
                width: parent.width


    First I change the for NavigationBarRow for only Row, for an example I saw on the documentation (https://felgo.com/doc/apps-howto-use-app-navigation/#push-a-page-on-the-navigationstack),

    then to fix, the navigationBarTranslucency, I added an invisible Rectangle, to take the space that the navigationbar should have.


    Felgo Team

    For pages that step away from the default look, developers will need a custom implementation in any case. Same goes for other Theme properties that affect the NavigationBar. This would require some bigger changes in the SDK. Due to the current setup of how Theming and the NavigationStack / Page implementation work, we do not have planned to add a property for this at the moment.



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