In the level editor we (may) have quite a few building blocks for the levels. Thus, a scrolling list would be in order which can (a) be flicked (say vertically) and from which (b) entities can be dragged (say horizontally). However, the problem is that the draggable entities would not allow the Flickable to be flicked but prefer to be dragged on any occasion. It hence would be great if you could either (a) provide a work-around for this problem or (b) add a draggable direction flag as in Flickable to EntityBaseDraggable.
Here is some sample code to be used with the setup in this post.
Cheers, Martin
Column {
id: rightcolumn
anchors.right: parent.right
spacing: 5
Clipping {
width: scene.width / 5
height: scene.height
Rectangle {
width: scene.width / 5
height: scene.height
z: 0
color: "grey"
Flickable {
width: parent.width
height: parent.height
contentWidth: column.width
contentHeight: column.height
focus: true
interactive: true
enabled: true
flickableDirection: Flickable.VerticalFlick
Column {
id: column
spacing: 5
anchors.centerIn: parent
Repeater {
model: 10
BEButton {