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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › Live code reloading with custom C and native code for Qt not working

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  • #20362


    To reproduce:

    Following this article: https://felgo.com/updates/release-2-16-1-live-code-reloading-with-custom-c-and-native-code-for-qt


    I am using 2.18 on Arch Linux Manjaro so it should apply to this release.


    Using this Project: https://github.com/Felgo/VPlayCppQML-Example


    Making the changes that are commented out:


    In Main:

    #include <VPLiveClient>

    //  vplay.setMainQmlFileName(QStringLiteral(“qrc:/qml/Main.qml”));

    // engine.load(QUrl(vplay.mainQmlFileName()));

    VPlayLiveClient client (&engine);


    in pro file:

    CONFIG += v-play-live


    Not sure what they mean by disabling auto start; does that mean you do not use this Live Popup; and instead just hit run debug?

    If I hit run->Debug; it comes up with a Connecting box that does not connect, not even to a remote device.


    I get the error that com.yourcompany.xyz is not defined; but it complies fine. If I remove the code by toggling the comments and hit run debug; it works fine; so its not the app; but the Live emulator.


    I searched for this issue; only found pre 2.16 issues.


    This is a very important feature; please help me to resolve this issue.




    Update: After getting this email from Felgo:

    after you build and run the project with the Live Client Module, your application stars with Live Client features. You can press “Connect” to connect it to the Live Server, and use it just like the default Live Client. It sounds as if you have mistaken your application as the new server instead of the new client after building. Cheers, Alex

    I was able to figure out that Live must first be present but not started, then you hit run->debug; the first time this will ask you to accept or deny the request to Live Client; after that it will connect; but you must click on Connect the first time; that was what tripped me up.

    Update: It would help others if you update your Documentation to make this point clear, if you know this its clear, looking back at it, it was not clear.

    Thanks works great.

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