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OverviewFelgo Plugins Support › Maintan firebase auth across pages

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  • #19653



    I have set up my custom auth for firebase in my login popup, which when I register users onto the database works perfectly. but when I attempt to read/write using the setUserValue&getUserValue controls my log shows I am not authenticated?

    I use a popup login screen on app launch for auth, how would I tie this in to my homepage to allow the auth to work across the entire app?

    I’m struggling to link the FirebaseDatabase on my homepage to connect to the customconfig in my loging popup page

    below is my homepage code. I would like the authentication to be maintained across the app as there will more than one page in the navigation which needs the authentication to function.


    import Felgo 3.0
    import QtQuick 2.0
    import Felgo 3.0
    Page {
        id: mainPage
        title: "Home"
        signal logoutClicked()
        signal registrationRequired
        function logoutUser() {
        ItemWithFirebaseLogin {
            id: loginPage
            opacity: 1
            z: 1 
            visible: opacity > 0
            enabled: visible
            Behavior on opacity { NumberAnimation { duration: 250 } }
        FirebaseDatabase {
            id: firebaseDb
            config: customConfig
            onReadCompleted:  {
                if(success) {
                    console.debug("Read Value " + value + " for key" + key)
                } else {
                    console.debug("Error: " + value)
                output.text = value
            onWriteCompleted: {
                if(success) {
                    console.debug("Successfully wrote to DB")
                    output.text = "Successfully wrote to DB"
                } else {
                    console.debug("Write failed with error: " + message)
                    output.text = "Write failed with error: " + message
            onRealtimeUserValueChanged: {
              output.text = value



    Felgo Team

    Hi Edward,

    why don’t you put your things like the FirebaseAuth or FirebaseDatabase in a scope that both pages can access, like making them a child of your App. Same for items like the config. Pages on a NavigationStack are lazy loaded and will be destroyed when popped, thus also your instances of the FIrebase items are destroyed.

    You could do something like this:

    App {
      FirebaseConfig {
        id: fbConfig
      FirebaseAuth {
        id: fbAuth
      FirebaseDatabase {
        id: fbDB
      NavigationStack {
        Page {
          // ...

    Then you can access all those items from anywhere in your App. If you want the logic in your page qml file, then just do this:

    Page {
      Connections {
        target: fbDB
        onReadCompleted:  {
          // ...

    Does that help you, do you get the idea?




    Thanks Alex,

    Makes so much sense haha!!


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