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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › Mixing components from VPlay Apps and VPlay Games

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  • #12711


    Hi guys,


    I’m wondering if it’s possible to use some components listed in the VPlay Apps API, such as the App Switch or perhaps even a Navigation… when building a VPlay Game? What would the limitations be?

    I would also have the same question for the opposite, using VPlay Game components in a VPlay App?



    Felgo Team

    Hi Kool!

    We didn’t do intensive tests about this up until now, but all components that do not rely on the application to be a GameWindow or an App should actually work. We can’t guarantee that some types might have some problems though.

    It is possible to use the Game or App components in the other project type if you add the import statement (e.g. import Felgo 3.0 in an App project).
    You could for example use a MultiResolutionImage with an App this way. Using Game components in an App should actually work in most cases.

    Using App components in games can be a bit more difficult as there are more dependencies between the different app types. I set up a small demo project that uses some app types in a game and also fixes some initial compatibility errors, have a look:

    import Felgo 3.0
    import QtQuick 2.0
    import Felgo 3.0
    GameWindow {
      id: gameWindow
      activeScene: scene
      width: 960
      height: 640
      // you may change app theming options here
      Component.onCompleted: {
        Theme.platform = "android" // change platform to "ios" or "android" for testing on desktop
        Theme.colors.statusBarStyle = Theme.colors.statusBarStyleHidden // app setting to hide status bar
        Theme.colors.tintColor = "#ff0000" // or set some other theme settings ...
      Scene {
        id: scene
        // the "logical size" - the scene content is auto-scaled to match the GameWindow size
        width: 480
        height: 320
        // use app components normally
        Navigation {
          NavigationItem {
            title: "Nav 1"
            icon: IconType.home
            NavigationStack {
              Page {
                title: "Nav 1"
                AppSwitch {
                  anchors.centerIn: parent
          NavigationItem {
            title: "Nav 2"
            icon: IconType.list
            NavigationStack {
              Page {
                title: "Nav 2"
        } // navigation
      } // scene
      // these functions are some quick fixes to solve some compatibility issues
      // (apps usually automatically provide these functions, and some components need them)
      function getApplication() {
        return gameWindow
      function px(value) {
        return gameWindow.gameWindow.px(value)

    This example uses a Navigation and a Page with an AppSwitch within a Game/Scene. You may use this as a starting point if you want, but keep in mind that this is a bit hacky, so you should definitely test if everything really works the way it should.


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