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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › QML module not found (VplayApps) error

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  • #17627



    I am getting “QML module not found (VplayApps)” error.

    Import paths: /Users/ntms/FelgoSDK/5.9.2/android_armv7/qml

    Any help please?







    What system do you use?
    Do you use up to date VPlay?
    If yes, it looks like you use old kit which uses still Qt 5.9.2.
    Currently supported version, after newest upgrade, is Qt 5.9.3.


    Could you please take a look if you use the right android kit, look at some instructions here:
    1. https://felgo.com/updates/release-2-14-0-live-code-reloading-for-desktop-ios-android and section “Important Update Notes for existing Android & iOS Projects”
    2. https://felgo.com/updates/release-2-14-1-update-to-qt-5-9-3-use-live-code-reloading-on-macos-and-linux this introduced Qt 5.9.3 so if you did the steps in the previous point you should have a kit here which automatically switched to Qt 5.9.3

    Hope it helps.



    I saw your post about issues with maintenance tool, if this is the case here it can be related.
    Apart from that, what I saw is often suggested in issues similar to yours, if standard ways of doing things don’t work, is to reinstall VPlay.


    Felgo Team


    is it possible that you just misspelled the import? Your error says “VplayApps” while the correct spelling is “VPlayApps” with a capital P.




    thank you. Is not a misspelled. when I wrote a question I misspelled VPlayApps.

    I dont have newest upgrade, is Qt 5.9.3? I will check the link later.



    Felgo Team

    Marcin should be right, your import path points to the “5.9.2” folder. With the latest Felgo versions, this has changed to “Felgo”. You will find all the info in the links provided by Marcin.





    In my Maintain Felgo Engine Installer shows that I have a;

    • Qt Mac-x64 Qt Desktop Qt5.9.2 online repository
    • Qt Mac-x64 Qt Android Qt5.9.2 online repository
    • Qt Mac-x64 Qt iOS Qt5.9.2 online repository

    I install the Felgo free edition. Later I bought a indie subscription. Should I have to download another Felgo or my indie subscription enough to get a new 5.9.3 update? After Marcin post I try 4 times to get an update but it shows no update.

    Could it be possible to sent me the Qt5.9.3 online repository for Android and iOS?


    Kind Regards



    Felgo Team

    Hi again,

    if you go to the “Projects” tab in Qt Creator, you should see the installed Kits on the left hand side under “Build & Run”. Please make sure that the latest Kits are active (they contain Felgo in their name). This is described in step 4 of this guide: https://felgo.com/updates/release-2-14-0-live-code-reloading-for-desktop-ios-android#android-ios-update

    We introduced custom Kits for Android and iOS with Felgo 2.14.0. so users don’t have to switch the Kit with every Qt version increase.




    Hi Alex,

    I wrote to support team after I get reply from my other post. Uninstall Felgo and download the 2.14.2. Its working but Live shows only one Desktop tab.

    It doesn’t show Android and iOS tab.

    Thank you for your help.

    Kind Regards

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