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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › Multi-touch support?

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  • #8596


    I read here


    that Felgo has multi-touch support – this was one of the big attractors for me.

    How to I implement this?   I can’t find an input component that supports multi-touch, so far…



    I found the answer in the Qt docs: MultiPointTouchArea

    Is there some reason this isn’t listed in the “Functional List of Felgo Components” ?

    I think it belongs there, if Felgo supports it.


    Felgo Team


    you can use any available QtQuick items with Felgo like your mentioned MultiPointTouchArea,they are not listed in our components list as they are not Felgo-specific but already coming sith Qt though.

    Especially for multi-touch Felgo 1 includes an item called “MultiTouchArea” that encapsulates multi touches, gestures and pinch/drag/zoom events. This item will come back to Felgo 2 with one of our following updates again.





    Thanks – what I meant by my comment that this belongs in the list of VPlay components is that it (IMHO) is the type of thing a person coming to Felgo would very likely want, and so it would be helpful to have under “Most useful QML Components”.

    One of the truly fantastic things about Felgo is that you guys have obviously got an excellent grasp on what a new game developer needs, and you are there ready with it already thought of as soon as I go looking for something in most instances.  So I’m really just pointing out a small gap in the otherwise comprehensive help that Felgo documentation gives to a newcomer … _without_ having to resort to trawling through Qt documentation/libraries.


    Felgo Team

    Hi Martin,

    you are absoultely right, the link would be a perfect addition there – we’ll add it, and with the next update it’ll be available there and make things easier for developers.

    Cheers, Chris

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