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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › Navigation menu and WebView component

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  • #18508


    I have a navigation menu (“hamburger” menu on Android) between four pages, on one of the page I have a webview component rendering web content.

    Menu on that page with webview works strangly: only first menu item is visible as other are “under” the webview component. How to fix it?


    Felgo Team


    the standard Qt WebView is drawn on top of the QML scene graph, this is why it is currently hiding anything underneath it. We are already working on a custom WebView component that improves this behavior, stay tuned for one of the next updates!

    Currently you could avoid this issue by just hiding the WebView when the drawer is open, I prepared a code example for you:

    import Felgo 3.0
    import QtWebView 1.1
    App {
      id: app
      Navigation {
        id: navigation
        navigationMode: navigationModeDrawer
        NavigationItem {
          title: "Web View"
          icon: IconType.globe
          NavigationStack {
            Page {
              id: page
              title: "Web View"
              WebView {
                anchors.fill: parent
                url: "https://www.google.com"
                // visible is only true if the drawer is NOT open
                visible: !navigation.drawer.isOpen

    You could also additionally show a placeholder item instead of the WebView when the drawer is open, this depends on your ui.

    Is this solution sufficient for you at the moment?




    Thank you, it seems to work now.

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