Hello, i have a proplem with the FPS on Andoid while a Object is moved by gravity. The Object moves very laggy (FPS 20-30 while “jump”)
I tested on HTC Desire, Nexus 5
But on iPhone 5s the FPS is 60 and the Object moves very smoothly and all works fine!
What could be the problem about Android?
vplayApplication.setCocosRendererEnabled(true); // optimized
vplayApplication.setQmlRendererEnabled(false); // for debugging
PhysicsWorld {
// this id gets used in Level, to test if a new platform or window can be built on the new position or if there is an entity already
id: physicsWorld
// this puts it on top of all other items with lower z for the physics debug renderer
z: 10
// for physics-based games, this should be set to 60!
updatesPerSecondForPhysics: 10
// make objects fall faster by increasing gravity
gravity.y: -60
// this should be increased so it looks good, by default it is set to 1 to save performance
velocityIterations: 1
positionIterations: 1
i tried with
= 10, 30, 60
velocityIterations & positionIterations = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5