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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › Physics in animation

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  • #16416


    Hey again,


    I am working on my animation and now i can see all the images and sprites are working fine, but now I am having trouble getting physicsWorld to work and show.


    This is my code for the player.qml which I want a BoxCollider for,


    import Felgo 3.0
    import QtQuick 2.0
    EntityBase {
    id: player
    height: 60
        entityType: "player"
        property alias collider: collider
        property alias horizontalVelocity: collider.linearVelocity.x
    PhysicsWorld {
    debugDrawVisible: true
        AnimatedSprite {
            id: walk
            width: 100
            height: 200
            anchors.centerIn: parent
            source: "../assets/WalkingManSpriteSheet.png"
            frameCount: 8
            frameRate: 6
            frameWidth: 41
            loops: 100
            x: 200
            y: 50
        BoxCollider {
          id: collider
          height: player.height
          width: player.width
          // this collider must be dynamic because we are moving it by applying forces and impulses
          bodyType: Body.Dynamic // this is the default value but I wanted to mention it ;)
          fixedRotation: true // we are running, not rolling...
          bullet: true // for super accurate collision detection, use this sparingly, because it's quite performance greedy
          sleepingAllowed: false
          // apply the horizontal value of the TwoAxisController as force to move the player left and right
          force: Qt.point(controller.xAxis*170*32,0)
          // limit the horizontal velocity
          onLinearVelocityChanged: {
            if(linearVelocity.x > 170) linearVelocity.x = 170
            if(linearVelocity.x < -170) linearVelocity.x = -170


    No errors in the code, I just cannot see any colliders and they are not registering… thanks for all your help!


    Felgo Team

    Hi Todd,

    please follow this tutorial to learn the basics of physics and the entity concept. The PhysicsWorld belongs in your Scene or any other container of your game world, and the entities only need colliders.

    Also have a look at the documentation if you are not sure how to use a component, we have a lot of examples in there as well, like this one: https://felgo.com/doc/vplay-physicsworld/




    Hey, thanks for the reply.


    I went through and figured it out, I can now see the box collider when running, but for some reason the box collider does not have my cannon image inside of it and im Ā not sure why, i have it the box collider anchored inside the cannon sprite image but it places the image outside of it. This is what I have..


    import QtQuick 2.7
    import QtQuick.Window 2.2
    import Felgo 3.0
    GameWindow {
    width: Screen.width
    height: Screen.height
    Item {
    focus: true
    Keys.onPressed: {
    if (event.key===Qt.Key_Right){
    event.accepted = true;
    walk.x=(walk.x) +7
    if (event.key===Qt.Key_Left){
    event.accepted = true;
    walk.x=(walk.x) -7
    contentHeight: Screen.height *4
    contentWidth: Screen.width
    interactive: true
    boundsBehavior: Flickable.StopAtBounds
    id: box
    anchors.fill: parent
    source: "../assets/rect.png"
    sourceSize.width: Screen.width
    sourceSize.height: Screen.height*4
    AnimatedSprite {
        id: walk
        width: 100
        height: 200
        source: "../assets/WalkingManSpriteSheet.png"
        frameCount: 8
        frameRate: 6
        frameWidth: 41
        loops: 100
        x: 200
        y: 50
    source: "../assets/twitter.png"
    gravity.y: 9.81
    debugDrawVisible: true
    Scene {
    EntityManager {
         id: entityManager
         entityContainer: scene// this property is needed if you want to dynamically create entities at runtime, if you don't do this, you can remove it.
    EntityBase {
    entityId: cannonbox
        entityType: "box"
    AnimatedSprite {
        id: cannon
        width: 150
        height: 212
    anchors.fill: cannon
        source: "../assets/cannon.png"
        frameCount: 12
        frameRate: 8
        frameWidth: 128
        loops: 100
    BoxCollider {
        anchors.fill: cannon
        collisionTestingOnlyMode: true


    Do you know why the box collider is not anchoring with the cannon image?



    Quick update…


    So I was able to get the box collider to fit around the cannon image by just setting x and y cordinates, but no matter what I do I cannot just get an anchors.fill to work on it…. would be helpful to know why not for once I start moving the images around



    Hi Todd,
    It is hard to replicate the issue because I don’t have the images you use in the code.
    If you can provide some code snippet with some files which I can just test it, would be great.
    Probably would figure it out quickly what is wrong.

    If not, there is one thing.
    Maybe it is not the issue but I saw something odd in the example you provided.
    So like you said, the collider is anchored inside the sprite animation(anchors.fill: cannon).
    But the animation is centered inside itself.
    In the sprite animation bit:

    anchors.fill: cannon

    Bu the animation sprite is named cannon.
    Didn’t you want to use there:

    anchors.fill: cannonbox

    So basically center the animation sprite in the entity?

    What I would also propose is to set entity width and height.
    The same as the sprite animation(or the frame etc. can’t tell without images and do proper test case replication).
    Hopefully this will improve things.



    Hey Marcin, thanks for the reply.

    Been on vacation so now I am finally looking at this again. So I tried doing what you said with centering the animation sprite inside the entity, but it will still set the box collider outside of the cannon. What can i do to easily send you the files you need to test? Also note that for some reason when I place the cannon sprite image in the scene it will not hug the upper left corner as it should without and coordinates set for it…





    Hey so i messed around with it some more…


    I went ahead and added a box collider around the player walking, except it will not anchor around it and when i move the player the box collider follows behind….. but it (the box collider) will not ever actually be around the player


    this is the code..

    import QtQuick 2.7
    import QtQuick.Window 2.2
    import Felgo 3.0
    GameWindow {
    width: Screen.width
    height: Screen.height
    Item {
    focus: true
    Keys.onPressed: {
    if (event.key===Qt.Key_Right){
    event.accepted = true;
    walk.x=(walk.x) +7
    if (event.key===Qt.Key_Left){
    event.accepted = true;
    walk.x=(walk.x) -7
    contentHeight: Screen.height *4
    contentWidth: Screen.width
    interactive: true
    boundsBehavior: Flickable.StopAtBounds
    id: box
    anchors.fill: parent
    source: "../assets/rect.png"
    sourceSize.width: Screen.width
    sourceSize.height: Screen.height*4
    source: "../assets/twitter.png"
    gravity.y: 9.81
    debugDrawVisible: true
    Scene {
    EntityManager {
         id: entityManager
         entityContainer: scene// this property is needed if you want to dynamically create entities at runtime, if you don't do this, you can remove it.
    EntityBase {
    id: cannonbox
        entityId:  "cannonbox"
        entityType: "box"
        width: 125
        height: 190
    AnimatedSprite {
        id: cannon
        anchors.fill: cannonbox
        width: 150
        height: 212
        source: "../assets/cannon.png"
        frameCount: 12
        frameRate: 8
        frameWidth: 128
        loops: 100
    BoxCollider {
        anchors.fill: parent
        collisionTestingOnlyMode: true
    EntityBase {
        id: player
            entityId:  "player"
            entityType: "box"
            width: 70
            height: 125
            AnimatedSprite {
                id: walk
                width: 35
                height: 90
                source: "../assets/WalkingManSpriteSheet.png"
                frameCount: 8
                frameRate: 6
                frameWidth: 41
                loops: 100
                x: 80
                y: 50
            BoxCollider {
                anchors.fill: walk
                bodyType: Body.Dynamic
                collisionTestingOnlyMode: true



    why is it doing this šŸ™


    Felgo Team


    The reason is as follows:

    The collider, which you can see when activating debugDrawVisible of PhysicsWorld, is actually placed within the PhysicsWorld and NOT within the entity.
    The collider simply usesĀ the size and position configured within the Entity. So when e.g. the size and position changes, the actual collider within the PhysicsWorld also moves along.

    This means the following conditions are required for the colliders in PhysicsWorld to match with the Entity:

    • The entities themselves should useĀ in the same coordinate system as the PhysicsWorld. If the position of the entities is e.g. influenced by parent items, but the PhysicsWorld is not, the position of the collider won’t match.
    • If your Sprite Images apply a positionĀ offset within the entity, but the collider will match the entity, but the sprite image within the entity willĀ not match.

    This is a short outtakeĀ of your code sample with fixed entity and collider settings:

    import QtQuick 2.7
    import QtQuick.Window 2.2
    import Felgo 3.0
    GameWindow {
      width: Screen.width
      height: Screen.height
      Item {
        focus: true
        Keys.onPressed: {
          if (event.key===Qt.Key_Right){
            event.accepted = true;
            walk.x=(walk.x) +7
          if (event.key===Qt.Key_Left){
            event.accepted = true;
            walk.x=(walk.x) -7
        Scene {
            gravity.y: 9.81
            debugDrawVisible: true
          EntityManager {
            id: entityManager
            entityContainer: scene// this property is needed if you want to dynamically create entities at runtime, if you don't do this, you can remove it.
          EntityBase {
            id: cannonbox
            entityId:  "cannonbox"
            entityType: "box"
            width: 125
            height: 190
            Rectangle {
              id: cannon
              anchors.fill: cannonbox
              color: "blue"
            BoxCollider {
              anchors.fill: parent
              collisionTestingOnlyMode: true
          EntityBase {
            id: player
            entityId:  "player"
            entityType: "box"
            width: 70
            height: 125
            x: 80
            y: 50
            Rectangle {
              id: walk
              width: 35
              height: 90
              color: "green"
            BoxCollider {
              anchors.fill: walk
              bodyType: Body.Dynamic
              collisionTestingOnlyMode: true







    Thanks so much! You are awesome!

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