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OverviewFelgo 1 Support › Play Sound during BackgroundMusic

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  • #6481

    Felgo User

    I have a BackgroundMusic playing all the time (loop), and if i collect a star i want to play a Sound (starSound.play()). but the Sound will not work.

    If i mute the BackgroundMusic, the Sound works?

    Is it possible to play a Sound during BackgroundMusic?


        Sound {
            id: starSound
            source: "../snd/pling.wav"


        // use BackgroundMusic for long-playing background sounds
        BackgroundMusic {
            id: backgroundMusic
            source: system.isPlatform(System.Meego) || system.isPlatform(System.Symbian) ? "snd/bg-slow-mono.ogg" : "snd/bg-slow.wav"
            muted: settings.soundEnabled




    Felgo Team


    of course it is possibly.

    You can test it with this short project, all you need is to add your own sounds/music files:

    GameWindow {
      Scene {
        BackgroundMusic {
          source: "snd/backgroundMusic.mp3"
        Sound {
          source: "snd/squafurScream.wav"
        Column {
          anchors.centerIn: parent
          SimpleButton {
            text: "Play sound"
            onClicked:  {
          SimpleButton {
            text: settings.soundEnabled ? "disable Sound" : "enable Sound"
            onClicked:  {
              settings.soundEnabled = !settings.soundEnabled
          SimpleButton {
            text: settings.musicEnabled ? "disable Music" : "enable Music"
            onClicked:  {
              settings.musicEnabled = !settings.musicEnabled




    On a related topic, is it possible to reduce the volume of a background audio using PropertyAnimation (e.g. below)? I tried it but it seems to not work.

        BackgroundMusic {
            id: backgroundSound
            source: "snd/backgroundMusic.mp3"
            volume: 1
        PropertyAnimation { id: myAnim; target: backgroundSound; easing.type: Easing.Linear; property: "volume"; from: "1"; to: "0"; duration: 2000}
        Component.onCompleted: {


    I’d like to try this to control the volume in certain areas of the game.




    Felgo Team

    Hi Michael,

    thanks for pointing this out, we just tested on Mac OS X, iOS and Android where your code sample is working, however found a bug on Windows, is it possible that you’re also testing on a Windows PC?




    ps: If you want to fade the music back in again you can also use a Behavior on volume like this one:

    GameWindow {
      Scene {
        BackgroundMusic {
          id: backgroundSound
          source: "backgroundMusic.mp3"
          Behavior on volume { PropertyAnimation { duration: 2000 } }
        Component.onCompleted: {
          backgroundSound.volume = 0
          // or backgroundSound.volume = 1




    Hi Alex

    Thanks alot for your reply – yes I was testing on Windows (sorry I should have pointed this out). I’m glad about this working, this is really useful.

    Thanks alot for the other code tip – it’s really appreciated.

    Cheers, Michael.




    Felgo User

    thx a lot, it works now.

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