We have an issue concerning the resolution. GameWindow and Scene are set to 480×320 and multiplied by 2 as stated in the template for testing on our desktop pc. If we move our player on the Y-Axis it follows the mouse/touch input down to the borders, but any dynamically added objects that are shot by the player and thus set with startpositions calculated by the player’s actual position appear to be not correctly placed.
E.g. if we multiply by 2 for Desktop PC -> Y-Position is appears to be only the half of the value it should be. X-Value is not the problem because it’s fixed and not changed in those cases.
This happens as well on for example Nexus 7 (1280×800) and Galaxy S (800×480).
On the screenshot the left bottom box is shooting and as you can see the balls are above the box and colliding in the middle of the screen as if the edge wall would be there –> https://dl.dropbox.com/u/44356248/snowballs.png
Thanks for your help,
Peter & Phil