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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › QtCreator generates invalid Entitlements -Felgo or Qt issue?

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  • #18924


    Hi Felgo,
    Need help or I will go crazy.

    I have enrolled in Apple developer program, tested example apps created in Xcode.
    Had no issues in development and app publishing.
    But I can’t say the same for Felgo apps.
    Can develop but I am not able to publish anything.

    First, quick question.
    Could you please create the first template for games(no extra plugins) and try to publish that app on iOS?
    I am not able.
    This is what is happening.

    The applicaiton-identifier in Entitlements is invalid.
    Wanted to change the invalid values myself but can’t find the right file to do it.
    Apple docs says it is no longer needed in Xcode so even removing it could help.

    What happens in more details.
    Few assumption:  AppleId is 55555, name of ios dev team: “awesome team”, bundle ID: “com.awesometeam.app”, for testing purposes.
    I will replace few values below but will try to keep it relevant and useful.
    What QtCreator makes:

        "application-identifier" = "55555.awesome team.SimpleAppDemo";
        "com.apple.developer.team-identifier" = 55555;
        "get-task-allow" = 1;
        "keychain-access-groups" =     (
            "55555.awesome team.SimpleAppDemo"

    Obviously applicaiton-identifier is invalid.
    Should be the same as bundleID so: com.awesometeam.app .
    I am not sure about keychain-acccess-groups, looks like here the values could be also invalid and QtCreator uses wrongly my development team name and no bundle id, not sure.
    Definitely Xcode publishing fails on application-identifier.
    I compared the values with app created by Xcode and it uses bundle id everywhere, this is just wrong.
    I am not sure if this is QtCreator issues or maybe some custom changes made by Felgo.

    Any help is appreciated.
    I spend 2 days on trying to fix it.
    I am on the edge of giving up on Qt all together, just so much hassle sometimes.
    This can be my issues just don’t see where.

    Is there a way where I can edit this manually so when Xcode launches the project it has valid values?

    PS. Xcode: 9.3, Mac OS: Sierra: 10.12.16.
    Please tell me if you can replicate the issue, if not maybe I am doing something wrong.
    I tried both automatic signing and manual, the same issue.




    Felgo Team

    Hi Marcin,

    Can you try adding the following lines to your Qt project file (.pro), run a qmake and let us know if the bundle identifier is still invalid?

    ios {
        Q_PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER.value = com.awesometeam.app

    This should explicitely override any bundle id lines within the generated project file.


    Alex from Felgo



    Hi Alex,
    Thank you for extremely fast answer.
    Yes, that solves the issue.

    Everything is properly overridden and it matches perfectly iTunesConnect settings.
    Upload successful.
    Will probably read more about the pro file configuration possible.
    Not sure if I should report an issue on Qt part or not.

    Anyway, thank you again and have a good weekend.
    Don’t work 🙂




    where did this come from?

    what causes this? was it xcode?



    Felgo Team

    Qt uses qmake to create the Xcode project when you build for iOS. Afaik, Xcode now seems to rely more on the configured project bundle identifier setting, which is filled with a default value by qmake, when it generates the XCode project.

    This mismatch can then cause issues when archiving with xCode – which hasn’t been a problem for previous versions of Qt / xCode / Felgo. The above lines for the pro file configuration explicitly configure the bundle identifier setting for xCode to avoid a mismatch.




    ok thanx for the answer Gunther.

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