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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › Questions of VPlayMultiplayer


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  • #14241


    I am experimenting the features of VPlayMultiplayer, I have some problems about this Infrastructure.
    1 : What is the price of Felgo multiplayer? I want to know my customer can afford the price or not
    2 : How could I start the game if I am offline?VPlayMultiplayer could not start the game if I switch off the internet,
    how could I detect network condition and tell VPlayMultiplayer to do something according to the network states?
    3 : I am confuse with maxJoinTries, fewRoomsThreshold and joinRankingIncrease, how do they work?
    My understanding

    maxJoinTries == the maximum number the user try to join existing room before create a new room
    fewRoomsThreshold == this property will effect the constraint of joining
    joinRankingIncrease == how this work?
    If I set maxJoinTries as 5, joinRankingIncrease as 100, what is the number of constraint?500?</div>
    If the rooms lower than fewRoomsThreshold, the constraint will become 2*100 == 200?This way the multiplayer</div>
    will try to join the other rooms 2 times only?
    4 : Still cannot create ID at gamenetwork.felgo.com,error message “We’re sorry, but something went wrong.”


    Felgo Team

    Hi NgapWei!

    1) Felgo Multiplayer is free for everyone at the moment. However, as the multiplayer handling also requires server resources, we will probably charge a small fee based on the monthly-active-users (MAU) in the future. The terms are currently not fixed yet, if you would like further details, please write us at support@felgo.com with some additional information on your project and your plans.

    2) The first version that is currently available only allows playing matches online. We already extended the components to additionally provide a single-player mode, which allows to start a multiplayer game without internet connection. (All logic must then be handled offline by the leader, e.g. by making AI moves for players that would be other users in a real game). This feature will come for everyone with the next Felgo update.

    3) When the user wants to join a room for a game, the Multiplayer component tries to find a room with players that match his skill level. Each player has a ranking value, which he can by default set in his profile.
    (He can choose between easy = ranking 800, medium = ranking 1000, hard = ranking 1200. These groups are defined by the SimpleRanking setting as rankingStrategy. Set VPlayMultiplayer::rankingStrategy.userChangeable to false if you want to set ranking values manually).
    Each room’s level is then based on the average ranking of all players in the room. A player can only join a room if the room level matches his ranking +/- joinRankingIncrease. If no such room is found, the allowed ranking area is widened again by joinRankingIncrease. If no matching rooms were found after maxJoinTries, a new room is created for the player. This room then has the user’s level and others may join. However, when only few players and few rooms exist, you might want to let players join a room even if they are not evenly matched to increase the multiplayer factor of your game. The fewRoomsThreshold setting lets you do that, by doubling the joinRankingIncrease whenever the total number of rooms is below the threshold.

    4) Creating a game worked for me just now, can you please try again? If it still doesn’t work, please contact us at support@felgo.com.

    Hope this clears up your questions? 😉




    Creating a game worked for me just now, can you please try again? If it still doesn’t work, please contact us at support@felgo.com.


    Do not work for me yet, I tried to access http://gamenetwork.felgo.com from different proxies, but the link always show me the same messages ”
    We’re sorry, but something went wrong.


    I send the email to support@felgo.com just now



    Felgo Team

    Hi NgapWei,


    I just checked back with our Backend Team, you should now be able to create a new Felgo Game Network game within the Dashboard. Just let us know as soon as you want to enable Felgo Multiplayer features for a specific game, we are happy to upgrade it then (just let us know your game id at support@felgo.com).


    Alex from Felgo

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