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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › Strange Sums

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  • #15341


    Hello community,


    I’ve noticed something strange while trying to code an experience bar, which is filled, when a button is pressed (didn’t include the button).

    As you can see, I’m trying to add a real number (fillingWidth (=25.6)) to the width of a rectangle (filling) and want to make it with every click bigger, till the size of 256 (size of the xp rectangle with the mainWindowsize of 320).
    As you can see, sometimes there are strange sums.

    At the beginning of my code, filling.width is 0 and fillingWidth = xp.width*0.1 (I want to make 10 steps, till it reaches the correct size).


    Rectangle {
        id: xp
        width: gameWindow.width*0.8
        height: parent.height
        color: "black"
        border.width: 1
        property real fillingWidth: width*0.1
        signal clicked
        onClicked: {
            console.log("filling.width: ", filling.width, " + fillingWidth: ", fillingWidth)
            filling.width += fillingWidth
            console.log(" = filling.width new: ", filling.width)
        Rectangle {
            id: filling
            anchors {
                left: parent.left
                top: parent.top
                bottom: parent.bottom
            color: "green"
            width: 0
            onWidthChanged: {
                // if maximum is reached. Maximum is the width of xp-rectangle
                if (width === xp.width) {
                    console.log("You won!")
                    anim.running = true
                if (width > xp.width) { resetAnim() }
    // signal clicked is triggered by a button.


    The Output looks like this:

    qml: filling.width:  0  + fillingWidth:  25.6
    qml:  = filling.width new:  25.6
    qml: filling.width:  25.6  + fillingWidth:  25.6
    qml:  = filling.width new:  51.2
    qml: filling.width:  51.2  + fillingWidth:  25.6
    qml:  = filling.width new:  76.80000000000001
    qml: filling.width:  76.80000000000001  + fillingWidth:  25.6
    qml:  = filling.width new:  102.4
    qml: filling.width:  102.4  + fillingWidth:  25.6
    qml:  = filling.width new:  128
    qml: filling.width:  128  + fillingWidth:  25.6
    qml:  = filling.width new:  153.6
    qml: filling.width:  153.6  + fillingWidth:  25.6
    qml:  = filling.width new:  179.2
    qml: filling.width:  179.2  + fillingWidth:  25.6
    qml:  = filling.width new:  204.79999999999998
    qml: filling.width:  204.79999999999998  + fillingWidth:  25.6
    qml:  = filling.width new:  230.39999999999998
    qml: filling.width:  230.39999999999998  + fillingWidth:  25.6
    qml:  = filling.width new:  255.99999999999997


    So my question is: why is 51.2 + 25.6 = 76.800…01?

    I know, I can do some workaround like this:

    onClicked: filling.width = Math.min(xp.width, filling.width + xp.fillingWidth)

    But that’s not the point of clean coding 🙂

    Maybe you know, what the problem is and how I can solve this? Probably it has something to do with the multiplication?

    Thank you very much!





    Hey Marcin,

    I tried every solution from your link, but only one helped:

    filling.width += fillingWidth
    filling.width = filling.width.toFixed(2)

    just add a new line with the .toFixed(2) function.


    Thank you very much!

    Best, Nina

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