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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › Testing a Felgo example for the first time

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  • #21866

    test opty

    Hi all,


    I’ve downloaded and installed Felgo (Based on Qt 5.12.1, Qt Creator 4.8.2) which is the most updated version of Felgo apparently. And I want to test this example on it. But the problem is the type of the new project I must select to run this example which doesn’t match the video!


    I follow this video for the tutorial and by selecting the V-Play application, Qt Creator gives the programmer these qml files by default. But the problem is that’s not the same on Felgo!ย I tested all three types of Felgo Apps: Single-Page applications, Basic applications and Maps applications, in addition to adding the Firebase plugin. And none of them gives all qml files and folders shown in the video! It seems that you’ve only changed the names (from V-Play to Felgo) and have not considered the contents of tutorials and videos!!

    Now the problem is how to run this example on my Felgo? ๐Ÿ™




    In regards to the example you are looking to test, this does offer some great examples of the power of firebase, the full code for the example you are looking for is on Git, check it out:



    Hope this helps


    test opty

    Hello Edward,

    Thanks for your guidance. I did the following two works:

    1- Downloaded that GitHub project and using the Desktop kit on Qt Creator ran that project. Then checked the “Register New User” checkbox on it and hit “Register”. Nothing happened! I also got some warnings related to the platform. Does it mean if I used that GitHub project on an Android device it’d successfully connect to the database showing some items?

    2- As another attempt I created a (Single-Page Application) Felgo project called MyShoppingList and used that for Firebase to retrieve the JSON file then tried best to provide the new project with the files and contents of the GitHub project so that both are the same. After these, I made these changes to my own project, MyShoppingList:
    a) Added my e-mail address in the LoginPage.qml file:

    text: system.publishBuild ? "" : "testopty@gmail.com"

    b) And also added projectId, databseUrl, apiKey and applicationID in the DataModel.qml file from the JSON file plus a free Firebase licenseKey for the project to main.qml.

    Finally, I ran this project too. It gave the same result as the previous one, although I’d provided my database IDes etc for it! ๐Ÿ™

    And when I closed the project, some two Internal errors came up as well. ๐Ÿ™

    Where have a made a mistake in the process, please? And how to finally run this project successfully to be able to properly figure out the Firebase service of Felgo, please?









    Just a heads up Felgo’s firebase plugin is currently not supported on desktop – if you used felgo live reloading or built directly to your app the plugin support issues would disappear!

    Try testing in a mobile device with that git project and see if the issue persists!

    Fortunately the live code reloading is far faster than building ect so tests are quicker,

    If you have discord I can give you my tag and help you out more there as I’m far more likely to reply quicker haha!


    test opty

    Hi Edward,

    Yes, I do have a discord account. Waiting for your tag to learn more from you. ๐Ÿ™‚


    Are the proper method to make use of Felgo Live code for mobile devices the following?

    1- Installing the Felgo Live code app for the mobile phone (Android and/or iOs)
    2- Connecting both the mobile phone and the PC using a shared network, say, a Wifi.

    3- Tapping connect on the Felgo Live code app on the phone and accept it on the PC.


    right, please?





    Yes install the app then as long as you’re on the same network it’ll all work, first time you connect a device it’ll ask for you to accept the connection on your desktop then you’ll know its loading by the little green light on the felgo live window of your pc




    test opty

    Thank youย Ldweller#3060,


    Please write me the name of the channel you are in. Then I’ll type @Ldweller#3060 to contact you there. ๐Ÿ™‚



    Hey if you just add me as a friend and Direct Message me!

    Alternatively let me know your tag and i’ll add and message you



    test opty

    I tried that but Discord says:
    Hm, didn’t work. Double check the capitalization, spelling, space, numbers, …..

    My ID is: @Franky#3273

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