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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › testing deploying…

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  • #20310


    Testing deploying a release just to Windows for now.  Questions:

    1. Window comes up in a different format than how I built it.  Can I force a certain window size and not allow the window to be resizable?
    2. If I click on the release mode executable, it complains about a bunch of DLLs being missing.  Shouldn’t deploy copy those in?  Where do I get them?
    3. It looks like I can only deploy to ios from MacOS, correct?  I figured I could deploy from Windows, and build with Xcode over on the mac.  Do I have to do everythere over there?

    Felgo Team

    When running Felgo from Qt Creator, the Qt library dependencies are added automatically. They are however not copied to the build folder.

    You can see here how to deploy Qt/Felgo applications to Windows: http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/windows-deployment.html
    There’s essentially an own tool (windeployqt) which scans your QML source files and adds the linked module dependencies to your build output folder.

    For publication, please also see the steps here: https://felgo.com/doc/vplay-publishing/#publishing-overview
    The Felgo debug resolution menu with resizing capabilities is inactive for publish builds. You can also deactivate it with GameWindow::menuBarVPlayEnabled.




    The Felgo debug resolution menu with resizing capabilities is inactive for publish builds. You can also deactivate it withGameWindow::menuBarVPlayEnabled.

    But the Window itself is still resizable, and you didn’t say how to set the initial size.

    There’s essentially an own tool (windeployqt) which scans your QML source files

    Why don’t you just run it on deployment, then?  Isn’t that the whole point of V-play?  Why should I have to care at all about QT?  And, if it was required for Windows – WHY ISN’T THAT ON YOUR PUBLISHING OVERVIEW PAGE?

    For publication, please also see the steps here:https://felgo.com/doc/vplay-publishing/#publishing-overview

    That doesn’t say anything about deploying from Windows.  Pointing to a huge long page to read that answers my question, by the *ABSENCE* of anything related to it is really bad support.  Like, how hard would it have been to say “no, you need a mac to not only submit but to also deploy because we haven’t added that for Windows yet”.



    Felgo Team


    We suggest to use the screenWidth and screenHeight properties of App or GameWindow for setting the size.
    Felgo is based on Qt, so each App or GameWindow item is derived from ApplicationWindow. Please see the Qt documentation of this item for full list of features and properties.


    Qt targets fast building from Qt Creator by re-using the libraries installed on your system with command-line arguments, instead of copying everything to the build directory each time. As Felgo is Qt SDK for mobile development, our guides and components focus heavily on iOS and Android. When packaging your app your release the Windows Deployment Tool is the way to go for copying all required DLLs to your build folder.

    You only require a Mac to build/deploy for macOS or iOS. This is not possible from Windows due to Apple policies – nothing we can do here.

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