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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › The example run in webassembly not work


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  • #23309

    Felgo User

    I try build example weather and 2048,both windows and mac not work.It show nothing in chrome but error :

    WARNING: Can’t find config.json file
    qtloader.js:388 NOTE: you are running a development build in Release Mode. However, the Release mode is recommended only for publish builds that are released to the app stores and for final testing. You can enable a publish build in the config.json file in your qml folder by setting the “stage” property to “publish”. For more information see: https://felgo.net/doc/felgo-publishing/
    VM9:1 warning: 2 FS.syncfs operations in flight at once, probably just doing extra work
    VM9:1 warning: 3 FS.syncfs operations in flight at once, probably just doing extra work
    qtloader.js:388 ERROR: the mainQmlFile could not be found! qmlFileName: “qml/Main.qml”
    qtloader.js:388 QQmlApplicationEngine failed to load component
    qtloader.js:388 :-1 Invalid empty URL
    qtloader.js:388 ERROR: No LicenseValidator object found. To use Felgo, add an App or GameWindow(Item) item to your QML code.
    VM9:1 warning: 4 FS.syncfs operations in flight at once, probably just doing extra work
    qtloader.js:388 exception thrown: RuntimeError: unreachable,RuntimeError: unreachable
    at wasm-function[16726]:0x2fecee
    at wasm-function[28602]:0x51c397
    at wasm-function[23342]:0x417375
    at wasm-function[463]:0x2bb47
    at wasm-function[10791]:0x1cd6d9
    at wasm-function[25206]:0x46bd22
    at wasm-function[15170]:0x2a486c
    at wasm-function[25205]:0x46bbf3
    at wasm-function[74335]:0xd22bd5
    at Module._main (eval at completeLoadEmscriptenModule (http://localhost:6931/qtloader.js:485:14), <anonymous>:1:296322)
    VM9:1 warning: 5 FS.syncfs operations in flight at once, probably just doing extra work
    VM9:1 Uncaught ErrnoError


    So,what’s the problem?


    Miguel Rodriguez
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