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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › Use Visual Studio Code with Felgo Live Desktop

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  • #24564


    I’d like to use Visual Studio Code with Felgo Live Server for MacOS desktop instead of Web or mobile.  How do I accomplish this efficiently?


    Felgo Team

    Hi Steve,

    the default Felgo Live Server effectively listens on a provided project directory, detects changes and forwards it to any connected client. So it does not quite matter what IDE you use to modify your project files (Qt Creator or VSCode). You only need to tell the Live Server where your project directory is.

    You can do this by passing the path to your project as command line parameter to the Live Server executable. This is located at your Felgo installation, in the Felgo/FelgoLive folder.

    The Windows equivalent would be to create a shortcut of the Live Server exe (or start via command line) and use something like this as target:

    C:\Qt\Felgo\FelgoLive\FelgoLiveServer.exe C:\Git\HeatingAppUI

    Where “C:\Git\HeatingAppUI” is the path to the project folder.

    Then you have a Felgo Live Server running, just like to one from Qt Creator, and you can connect any desktop, mobile, or the web client to it.


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