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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › Using 2 different ListModels with 2 different ComboBoxes

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  • #23563



    In the same page I have two separate ComboBoxes. Each ComboBox is populated from a different table from an SQLite db. The first ComboBox looks like this:

            QQuick2.ComboBox {
                id: medicationCombo
                width: backgrnd.width / 2.7
                height: dp(25)
                anchors.bottom: medName.bottom
                anchors.left: medName.right
                anchors.leftMargin: dp(15)
                font.pixelSize: 16
                editable: true
                textRole: "MednameField"
                focus: true
                //Displaying the first item from the db.
                currentIndex: 0
                model: ListModel {
                    id: listModel2
                delegate: QQuick2.ItemDelegate {
                    width: medicationCombo.width
                    height: medicationCombo.height
                    //Defining the items in the dropdown list
                    Text {
                        id: medTxt
                        text: model.MednameField //This is not working.
                        font.pixelSize: 18
                        color: "#00008b"
                        anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
                    onClicked: medicationCombo.currentIndex = index
                    highlighted: medicationCombo.highlightedIndex === index

    The second one:

    QQuick2.ComboBox {
                id: patientCombo
                width: backgrnd.width / 2.7
                height: dp(25)
                anchors.bottom: name.bottom
                anchors.left: name.right
                anchors.leftMargin: dp(15)
                font.pixelSize: 16
                editable: true
                textRole: "patientField"
                focus: true
                //Displaying the first item from the db.
                currentIndex: 0
                model: ListModel {
                    id: listModel
                delegate: QQuick2.ItemDelegate {
                    width: patientCombo.width
                    height: patientCombo.height
                    //Defining the items in the dropdown list
                    Text {
                        id: ptnts
                        text: model.patientField
                        font.pixelSize: 18
                        color: "#00008b"
                        anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter


    When I use only 1 ComboBox on the page it works OK. When I have 2 I keep getting the following error message: 
    Unable to assign [undefined] to QString on line 
     text: model.MednameField //This is not working.
    How can I fix this? Thank you for your help.


    are you sure thats the field name of the field on that model?  can you post the model?




    Here is the other file, JSCode.js:

    //Creating or opening the database
    function dbInit() {
        var db = LocalStorage.openDatabaseSync("Medications", "",
                                               "Storing Medications", 1000000)
        try {
            db.transaction(function (tx) {
                            'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS TablePatients (patientField TEXT)')
        } catch (err6) {
            console.log("Error creating TablePatients in database: " + err6)
        try {
            db.transaction(function (tx) {
                            'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS MedNamesTable (MednameField TEXT)')
        } catch (err7) {
            console.log("Error creating MedNamesTable in database: " + err7)
    //Opening db
    function dbGetHandle() {
        try {
            var db = LocalStorage.openDatabaseSync("Medications", "",
                                                   "Storing Medications", 1000000)
        } catch (err4) {
            console.log("Error opening database: " + err4)
        return db
    //Insert data into the TablePatients in the db
    function dbInsertPatients(newPatient) {
        console.log("newItem in Code.js: ", newPatient)
        console.log("TablePatients currentText in Code.js: ", newPatient)
        var db = dbGetHandle()
        db.transaction(function (tx) {
            tx.executeSql('INSERT OR IGNORE INTO TablePatients VALUES (?)',
    //Read TablePatients from db
    function dbGetPatients() {
        var db = dbGetHandle()
        db.transaction(function (tx) {
            var results = tx.executeSql(
                        "SELECT patientField FROM TablePatients order by patientField asc")
            for (var i = 0; i < results.rows.length; i++) {
                                     "patientField": results.rows.item(
                                     "checked": ""
    //Insert data into the MedNamesTable in the db
    function dbInsertMeds(newMed) {
        console.log("newMed in Code.js: ", newMed)
        console.log("MedNamesTable currentText in Code.js: ", newMed)
        var db = dbGetHandle()
        db.transaction(function (tx) {
            tx.executeSql('INSERT OR IGNORE INTO MedNamesTable VALUES (?)',

    Thank you for your help.



    I think the problem is that in the model line

    model: ListModel {
                    id: listModel

    I can’t use

    text: listModel.patientField

    in the delegate only

    text: model.patientField

    works, but I can’t use model for all of the ComboBoxes.



    I belive that is the way you are populating the ‘listModel2’, I replicate the code of the combobox, but I input values on the listmodels as ListElements, and both combos worked fine, the issue that I see on your original post is that listmodel2 can’t find the field MednameField


           model: ListModel {
                                id: listModel2
                                    MednameField: "luke"
                                    MednameField: "leia"
                            delegate: QQC2.ItemDelegate {
                                width: medicationCombo.width
                                height: medicationCombo.height
                                //Defining the items in the dropdown list
                                Text {
                                    id: medTxt
                                    text: model.MednameField //This is not working.
                                    font.pixelSize: sp(18)
                                    color: "#00008b"
                                    anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
                                onClicked: medicationCombo.currentIndex = index
                                highlighted: medicationCombo.highlightedIndex === index


              model: ListModel {
                                id: listModel
                                    patientField: "vader"
                                    patientField: "maul"
                            delegate: QQC2.ItemDelegate {
                                width: patientCombo.width
                                height: patientCombo.height
                                //Defining the items in the dropdown list
                                Text {
                                    id: ptnts
                                    text: model.patientField
                                    font.pixelSize: sp(18)
                                    color: "#00008b"
                                    anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter


    on your sql code Im not sure if is ok since I haven’t work with the storage component of felgo, but looks ok to me, I don’t know since Im not that good as programmer, but maybe the field MednameField should be renamed to mednameField , maybe the first letter uppercase is messing the name of the field, on your other table you have ‘patientName’  and that is working

    and check your function ‘dbGetMedNames()’  I don’t see it on the code your shared, maybe the problem is there



    Unfortunately changing the name didn’t help.



    have you inserted values on that table?, maybe is returning an empty resultset, and thats why it can’t find the field



    There is data in the db.

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