hi Alex
thank you!
Anyway, we’ll go with pushy = “” for the time being. BTW, it said I should create my own pushy at https://cloud.felgo.com/, however even after creating my game, there is no such pushKey or appKey thing. Google also doesnt lead me anywhere, is the whole thing deprecated?
Thanks again and have a nice weekend
readonly property string pushKey: “”
2020-05-01 09:00:33.152186+0200 Pleb[1097:13678] [qml] EntityManager: onCompleted()
2020-05-01 09:00:33.158001+0200 Pleb[1097:13678] [qml] If you want to remove the Felgo Splash & loading screen, or to use plugins for monetization, analytics, push notifications, social networks & more, generate a license key for your app here: https://felgo.com/licenseKey
2020-05-01 09:00:34.123766+0200 Pleb[1097:13678] [qml] VPGN: app became active, if not logged in yet try it again now
2020-05-01 09:00:34.123847+0200 Pleb[1097:13678] [qml] VPGN: onApplicationResumed called! user is not authenticated yet, so call authenticateLocalPlayer()
2020-05-01 09:00:34.123888+0200 Pleb[1097:13678] [qml] VPGN: no existing token was found, so start a new login
2020-05-01 09:00:34.467537+0200 Pleb[1097:13678] [qml] <– Response: 200 for login requestCounter is now: 1
2020-05-01 09:00:34.471207+0200 Pleb[1097:13678] [qml] VPGN: received authToken from login: duWuXzuyWJlkQIdOzCjJ6QjTpyeaYHH
2020-05-01 09:00:34.471357+0200 Pleb[1097:13678] [qml] VPGN: updateUserData() called from login , data: {“id”:9509485,”screen_name”:null,”gender”:null,”locale”:”de_DE”,”platform”:”Mac”,”profile_picture”:null,”first_name”:null,”last_name”:null,”name”:”9509485″,”facebook_id”:null,”data”:””,”ranking”:-1,”blocked”:false,”oauth_token_valid”:null,”oauth_token”:null}
2020-05-01 09:00:34.472518+0200 Pleb[1097:13678] qrc:/qml/VPlay/gamenetwork/multiplayer/FelgoMultiplayer.qml:3274: TypeError: Cannot read property ‘sendTags’ of null
2020-05-01 09:00:34.472645+0200 Pleb[1097:13678] [qml] VPGN: received value for facebookToken: null , old facebookToken:
2020-05-01 09:00:34.472683+0200 Pleb[1097:13678] [qml] VPGN: facebookTokenValid is false, so set fbToken to empty
2020-05-01 09:00:34.474583+0200 Pleb[1097:13678] [qml] VPGN: new facebookId: , old facebookId: no old userData fbId known, because of first app start
2020-05-01 09:00:34.474617+0200 Pleb[1097:13678] [qml] VPGN: the facebookId didnt change – no facebookSuccessfullyConnected() or facebookSuccessfullyDisconnected() is emitted
2020-05-01 09:00:34.474677+0200 Pleb[1097:13678] [qml] VPGN: userGotAuthenticated(), initialLogin: true , autoLoadUserScoresAndAchievemenstWhenAuthenticated
2020-05-01 09:00:34.474709+0200 Pleb[1097:13678] [qml] -> Triggering: get_user_scores [current request # 1 ]
2020-05-01 09:00:34.474732+0200 Pleb[1097:13678] [qml] VPGNAPI: Warning: Request queued as currently sending another request, adding to queue now. Current requests queued: 0
2020-05-01 09:00:34.474818+0200 Pleb[1097:13678] [qml] VPGN: OfflineHandler: storeOfflineSendingQueue() called, storing this queue: []
2020-05-01 09:00:34.476033+0200 Pleb[1097:13678] [qml] VPGNAPI: there are 1 requests in the queue, so send this queued request now: {“action”:”get_user_scores”}
2020-05-01 09:00:34.476071+0200 Pleb[1097:13678] [qml] -> Triggering: get_user_scores [current request # 1 ]
2020-05-01 09:00:34.476101+0200 Pleb[1097:13678] [qml] –> Requesting: get_user_scores [#2] , request: {“action”:”get_user_scores”}
2020-05-01 09:00:34.476119+0200 Pleb[1097:13678] [qml] Adding authenticationToken to request: get_user_scores
2020-05-01 09:00:34.477859+0200 Pleb[1097:13678] [qml] Start request: get_user_scores
2020-05-01 09:00:34.702286+0200 Pleb[1097:13678] [qml] <– Response: 200 for get_user_scores requestCounter is now: 2
2020-05-01 09:00:34.706389+0200 Pleb[1097:13678] [qml] localUserScores: undefined remoteUserScores: {“status”:”success”,”data”:{}}
2020-05-01 09:00:34.708920+0200 Pleb[1097:13678] [qml] VPGN: userInitiallyInSync changed to: true
2020-05-01 09:00:35.055741+0200 Pleb[1097:13678] [plugin] AddInstanceForFactory: No factory registered for id <CFUUID 0x10fae6d60> F8BB1C28-BAE8-11D6-9C31-00039315CD46
2020-05-01 09:00:35.183596+0200 Pleb[1097:13678] [qml] updateLocale called for newLocale de_DE , current locale: de_DE
2020-05-01 09:00:35.183699+0200 Pleb[1097:13678] [qml] -> Triggering: update_user [current request # 2 ]
2020-05-01 09:00:35.183799+0200 Pleb[1097:13678] [qml] –> Requesting: update_user [#3] , request: {“action”:”update_user”,”screen_name”:””,”data”:””,”ranking”:-1,”locale”:”de_DE”}
2020-05-01 09:00:35.183842+0200 Pleb[1097:13678] [qml] Adding authenticationToken to request: update_user
2020-05-01 09:00:35.194310+0200 Pleb[1097:13678] [qml] Start request: update_user
2020-05-01 09:00:35.332443+0200 Pleb[1097:13678] [qml] VPGN: ProfileView: changed fbConnectioState to facebookNotConnected
// unchanged code from OnU tutorial
readonly property string pushKey: “JYnG49n8sI5wXsTcdTx8XDZXSefAEaivUMcdMLUl@cI7t1EIp6AYi7qFhY9CdACyYlVpxqlHPZeeqZF4X”
2020-05-01 09:13:54.343580+0200 Pleb[1581:23137] [qml] VPGN: updateUserData() called from login , data: {“id”:9509332,”screen_name”:null,”gender”:null,”locale”:”de_DE”,”platform”:”Mac”,”profile_picture”:null,”first_name”:null,”last_name”:null,”name”:”9509332″,”facebook_id”:null,”data”:””,”ranking”:-1,”blocked”:false,”oauth_token_valid”:null,”oauth_token”:null}
2020-05-01 09:13:54.344863+0200 Pleb[1581:23137] [qml] VPGN: updating user tags in initPush
2020-05-01 09:13:54.345107+0200 Pleb[1581:23137] [qml] VPGN: received value for facebookToken: null , old facebookToken:
readonly property string pushKey: “undefined”
2020-05-01 09:15:40.279829+0200 Pleb[1630:24312] NOTE: you are running a development build in Release Mode. However, the Release mode is recommended only for publish builds that are released to the app stores and for final testing. You can enable a publish build in the config.json file in your qml folder by setting the “stage” property to “publish”. For more information see: https://felgo.net/doc/felgo-publishing/
2020-05-01 09:15:42.234482+0200 Pleb[1630:24312] [qml] VPGN: clearAllUserData() – this removes the local leaderboards & WebStorage data. only call this when testing during development and not in published apps, as otherwise users do not have offline & caching support
2020-05-01 09:15:42.239792+0200 Pleb[1630:24312] [qml] userAchievements afer clearing with clearAllUserDataAtStartup: undefined
2020-05-01 09:15:42.240300+0200 Pleb[1630:24312] [qml] VPGN: in initialize, read userData from storage: undefined
2020-05-01 09:15:42.240550+0200 Pleb[1630:24312] [qml] VPGN: read storedOfflineSendingQueue at app startup: undefined
2020-05-01 09:15:42.240817+0200 Pleb[1630:24312] [qml] VPGN: OfflineHandler: storeOfflineSendingQueue() called, storing this queue: []
2020-05-01 09:15:42.243556+0200 Pleb[1630:24312] [qml] VPGN: autoLogin was true, so authenticate the last logged in player stored locally in a database
2020-05-01 09:15:42.243746+0200 Pleb[1630:24312] [qml] VPGN: no existing token was found, so start a new login
2020-05-01 09:15:42.243951+0200 Pleb[1630:24312] [qml] VPGN: authenticateLocalPlayer() called for user: {“deviceId”:”4155161845_3″,”facebookId”:””,”facebookToken”:””,”facebookTokenValid”:false,”userId”:0,”nickName”:””,”gender”:””,”blocked”:false,”locale”:”de_DE”,”profileImageUrl”:””,”authenticationToken”:””,”timestamp”:1,”customData”:””,”ranking”:0,”allowAutoLocaleDetection”:true}
2020-05-01 09:15:42.244035+0200 Pleb[1630:24312] [qml] -> Triggering: login [current request # 0 ]
2020-05-01 09:15:42.244154+0200 Pleb[1630:24312] [qml] –> Requesting: login [#1] , request: {“action”:”login”,”device_id”:”4155161845_3″,”platform”:”Mac”}
2020-05-01 09:15:42.247873+0200 Pleb[1630:24312] [qml] Start request: login
2020-05-01 09:15:42.252568+0200 Pleb[1630:24312] [qml] multiSettings loaded with counterAppInstances value:7, userName: Spieler 0
2020-05-01 09:15:42.254372+0200 Pleb[1630:24312] [qml] EntityManager: onCompleted()
2020-05-01 09:15:42.262502+0200 Pleb[1630:24312] [qml] If you want to remove the Felgo Splash & loading screen, or to use plugins for monetization, analytics, push notifications, social networks & more, generate a license key for your app here: https://felgo.com/licenseKey
2020-05-01 09:15:42.269082+0200 Pleb[1630:24312] Warning: Plugin “VPlay.plugins.onesignal” disabled: Plugin not supported on this platform
2020-05-01 09:15:42.974081+0200 Pleb[1630:24312] [qml] VPGN: app became active, if not logged in yet try it again now
2020-05-01 09:15:42.974146+0200 Pleb[1630:24312] [qml] VPGN: onApplicationResumed called! user is not authenticated yet, so call authenticateLocalPlayer()
2020-05-01 09:15:42.974181+0200 Pleb[1630:24312] [qml] VPGN: no existing token was found, so start a new login