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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › Watermark still there after release build.


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  • #23312



    I can’t get rid of the watermark, maybe I misunderstood or have missed something. I have tried the following,

    I have changed “stage”: “test” to “publish”  in the config.json file.

    Made sure that the identifier and version code are identical in config.json, project.pro and when generating license key.

    I have tried having the license key in both project.pro and Main.qml file.

    Chosen Android arm64 build: release.
    Made sure to clean, qmake and build every time.

    It builds a signed release build without any problems but the watermark is still there. :/

    I don’t know how many times I’ve re-read and followed the https://felgo.com/doc/felgo-publishing/
    I can’t understand what I’m doing wrong?

    It is regarding the Free personal license, the watermark should go away on that license as well when building for release correct?
    I have selected these plugins when generating license key: Admob, Felgo Game Network, and Felgo Multiplayer.
    So I haven’t misunderstood it. 🙂

    Thanks in advance!

    Kind regards



    Hi Ralf


    exactly same problem here. We are developing a card game, based on the One Tutorial. The watermark simply doesn’t go away.

    … UNLESS: With the Felgo Desktop Configuration, Debug mode, when starting the program with the debugger (i.e. the green play button with the gray bug), there is NO watermark. Have you encountered the Samy funny phenomenon? In all other configurations, regardless how I start it, the watermark won’t disappear, on MacOS same as after deploying to iPhone.


    All plugins are removed, the according code deleted. I double-searched the entire code, including .pro and other files, for every possible plugins name to find 0 occurrences. Absolutely no clue how the below OneSignal message comes into play. The only plugin used is the Felgo Multiplayer as it is heavily used within the One Card-Example. The license key I entered has all free plugins activated (I am just testing Felgo with the free license).



    I also get a couple of interesting warnings / Errors which might contribute to solving the problem:

    Warning: Warning: Plugin “VPlay.plugins.onesignal” disabled: Plugin not supported on this platform ((null):0, (null))

    2020-04-26 08:50:22.518381+0200 Pleb[8712:136222] [plugin] AddInstanceForFactory: No factory registered for id <CFUUID 0x121fb3370> F8BB1C28-BAE8-11D6-9C31-00039315CD46

    Warning: libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile ((null):0, (null))



    WARNING: you are building a publishBuild, but your mainQmlFile entry point is not loaded from RESOURCES but with DEPLOYMENTFOLDERS. This would allow others to inspect your QML sources! To avoid that and to secure your source code, perform the following steps:

    1.) Create a .qrc file similar to the ones from the Felgo demos and enable RESOURCES += resources.qrc in your .pro file.

    2.) Remove the DEPLOYMENTFOLDERS += qmlFolder line from the .pro file.

    3.) Set the main qml file to “qrc:/qml/Main.qml” in your main.cpp.







    Yeah same for me if I start with Kit Desktop build: Debug and run with the bug play button I can start without the watermark as well.


    I was thinking if it is the One Signal plugin that made the watermark because of the error message, as it is not included in the personal license,

    but according to the license page, Felgo Multiplayer Includes OneSignal Notifications. (Felgo Multiplayer is included in the Personal license):

    Warning: Warning: Plugin “VPlay.plugins.onesignal” disabled: Plugin not supported on this platform ((null):0, (null))


    I have tried to disable the OneSignal plugin but with no luck, the watermark is still there in my android signed release build 🙁

    I don’t know if there is any way to make it not load at all.


    I don’t receive any other warning, I have filled the resources.qrc with all the qml paths, uncommentedRESOURCES += resources.qrc and commented DEPLOYMENTFOLDERS += qmlFolder in the .pro file.

    Set the main qml file to “qrc:/qml/Main.qml” .






    Hey mate


    OneSignal is a paid Plugin, clearly state there when you try to create a license for it: https://felgo.com/developers/license


    I guess that’s the crux of he matters. Somehow OneSignal gets into play, Felgo realizes we aren’t paying for it and thus decides to show the annoying watermark.


    Not the question reduces to: where does OneSignal get activated. You say it’s sonewhat connected to multiplayer? I’ll investigate that now, also hoping for a hint from the felgo support team.






    Done some research, testing, and re-creating projects from scratch and copied over the qml and assets. What I noticed when I generated the key it states “Activated Plugins: Admob, Gamenetwork”. Not Felgo Multiplayer even tough I select that as well.


    So I commented it from the project and rebuilt, watermark still there, then I commented AdMob plugin as well and the watermark is now gone, I still have Felgo Game Network.



    So Watermark is gone but as my game is a multiplayer game it isn’t working as intended.


    I’m out of ideas on how to proceed, it feels I have tried everything.


    Grateful for any advice.


    Kind regards



    Felgo Team


    could you try setting the pushKey property of the Multiplayer item to either




    and check if your game still runs and if the watermark is gone?




    Thanks, Alex!

    Changing setting pushKey to “”, made the watermark disappear and the game still seems to work! 🙂


    But when I activate (uncomment) Admob the watermark reappears :/



    After some more tries and fiddling it now works! 😀


    Thanks a lot!



    hi Alex


    thank you!

    Anyway, we’ll go with pushy = “” for the time being. BTW, it said I should create my own pushy at https://cloud.felgo.com/, however even after creating my game, there is no such pushKey or appKey thing. Google also doesnt lead me anywhere, is the whole thing deprecated?


    Thanks again and have a nice weekend





    readonly property string pushKey: “”

    2020-05-01 09:00:33.152186+0200 Pleb[1097:13678] [qml] EntityManager: onCompleted()

    2020-05-01 09:00:33.158001+0200 Pleb[1097:13678] [qml] If you want to remove the Felgo Splash & loading screen, or to use plugins for monetization, analytics, push notifications, social networks & more, generate a license key for your app here: https://felgo.com/licenseKey

    2020-05-01 09:00:34.123766+0200 Pleb[1097:13678] [qml] VPGN: app became active, if not logged in yet try it again now

    2020-05-01 09:00:34.123847+0200 Pleb[1097:13678] [qml] VPGN: onApplicationResumed called! user is not authenticated yet, so call authenticateLocalPlayer()

    2020-05-01 09:00:34.123888+0200 Pleb[1097:13678] [qml] VPGN: no existing token was found, so start a new login

    2020-05-01 09:00:34.467537+0200 Pleb[1097:13678] [qml] <– Response: 200 for login requestCounter is now: 1

    2020-05-01 09:00:34.471207+0200 Pleb[1097:13678] [qml] VPGN: received authToken from login: duWuXzuyWJlkQIdOzCjJ6QjTpyeaYHH

    2020-05-01 09:00:34.471357+0200 Pleb[1097:13678] [qml] VPGN: updateUserData() called from login , data: {“id”:9509485,”screen_name”:null,”gender”:null,”locale”:”de_DE”,”platform”:”Mac”,”profile_picture”:null,”first_name”:null,”last_name”:null,”name”:”9509485″,”facebook_id”:null,”data”:””,”ranking”:-1,”blocked”:false,”oauth_token_valid”:null,”oauth_token”:null}

    2020-05-01 09:00:34.472518+0200 Pleb[1097:13678] qrc:/qml/VPlay/gamenetwork/multiplayer/FelgoMultiplayer.qml:3274: TypeError: Cannot read property ‘sendTags’ of null

    2020-05-01 09:00:34.472645+0200 Pleb[1097:13678] [qml] VPGN: received value for facebookToken: null , old facebookToken:

    2020-05-01 09:00:34.472683+0200 Pleb[1097:13678] [qml] VPGN: facebookTokenValid is false, so set fbToken to empty

    2020-05-01 09:00:34.474583+0200 Pleb[1097:13678] [qml] VPGN: new facebookId:  , old facebookId: no old userData fbId known, because of first app start

    2020-05-01 09:00:34.474617+0200 Pleb[1097:13678] [qml] VPGN: the facebookId didnt change – no facebookSuccessfullyConnected() or facebookSuccessfullyDisconnected() is emitted

    2020-05-01 09:00:34.474677+0200 Pleb[1097:13678] [qml] VPGN: userGotAuthenticated(), initialLogin: true , autoLoadUserScoresAndAchievemenstWhenAuthenticated

    2020-05-01 09:00:34.474709+0200 Pleb[1097:13678] [qml] -> Triggering: get_user_scores [current request # 1 ]

    2020-05-01 09:00:34.474732+0200 Pleb[1097:13678] [qml] VPGNAPI: Warning: Request queued as currently sending another request, adding to queue now. Current requests queued: 0

    2020-05-01 09:00:34.474818+0200 Pleb[1097:13678] [qml] VPGN: OfflineHandler: storeOfflineSendingQueue() called, storing this queue: []

    2020-05-01 09:00:34.476033+0200 Pleb[1097:13678] [qml] VPGNAPI: there are 1 requests in the queue, so send this queued request now: {“action”:”get_user_scores”}

    2020-05-01 09:00:34.476071+0200 Pleb[1097:13678] [qml] -> Triggering: get_user_scores [current request # 1 ]

    2020-05-01 09:00:34.476101+0200 Pleb[1097:13678] [qml] –> Requesting: get_user_scores [#2] , request: {“action”:”get_user_scores”}

    2020-05-01 09:00:34.476119+0200 Pleb[1097:13678] [qml]     Adding authenticationToken to request: get_user_scores

    2020-05-01 09:00:34.477859+0200 Pleb[1097:13678] [qml]     Start request: get_user_scores

    2020-05-01 09:00:34.702286+0200 Pleb[1097:13678] [qml] <– Response: 200 for get_user_scores requestCounter is now: 2

    2020-05-01 09:00:34.706389+0200 Pleb[1097:13678] [qml] localUserScores: undefined remoteUserScores: {“status”:”success”,”data”:{}}

    2020-05-01 09:00:34.708920+0200 Pleb[1097:13678] [qml] VPGN: userInitiallyInSync changed to: true

    2020-05-01 09:00:35.055741+0200 Pleb[1097:13678] [plugin] AddInstanceForFactory: No factory registered for id <CFUUID 0x10fae6d60> F8BB1C28-BAE8-11D6-9C31-00039315CD46

    2020-05-01 09:00:35.183596+0200 Pleb[1097:13678] [qml] updateLocale called for newLocale de_DE , current locale: de_DE

    2020-05-01 09:00:35.183699+0200 Pleb[1097:13678] [qml] -> Triggering: update_user [current request # 2 ]

    2020-05-01 09:00:35.183799+0200 Pleb[1097:13678] [qml] –> Requesting: update_user [#3] , request: {“action”:”update_user”,”screen_name”:””,”data”:””,”ranking”:-1,”locale”:”de_DE”}

    2020-05-01 09:00:35.183842+0200 Pleb[1097:13678] [qml]     Adding authenticationToken to request: update_user

    2020-05-01 09:00:35.194310+0200 Pleb[1097:13678] [qml]     Start request: update_user

    2020-05-01 09:00:35.332443+0200 Pleb[1097:13678] [qml] VPGN: ProfileView: changed fbConnectioState to facebookNotConnected



    // unchanged code from OnU tutorial

    readonly property string pushKey: “JYnG49n8sI5wXsTcdTx8XDZXSefAEaivUMcdMLUl@cI7t1EIp6AYi7qFhY9CdACyYlVpxqlHPZeeqZF4X”

    2020-05-01 09:13:54.343580+0200 Pleb[1581:23137] [qml] VPGN: updateUserData() called from login , data: {“id”:9509332,”screen_name”:null,”gender”:null,”locale”:”de_DE”,”platform”:”Mac”,”profile_picture”:null,”first_name”:null,”last_name”:null,”name”:”9509332″,”facebook_id”:null,”data”:””,”ranking”:-1,”blocked”:false,”oauth_token_valid”:null,”oauth_token”:null}

    2020-05-01 09:13:54.344863+0200 Pleb[1581:23137] [qml] VPGN: updating user tags in initPush

    2020-05-01 09:13:54.345107+0200 Pleb[1581:23137] [qml] VPGN: received value for facebookToken: null , old facebookToken:



    readonly property string pushKey: “undefined”

    2020-05-01 09:15:40.279829+0200 Pleb[1630:24312] NOTE: you are running a development build in Release Mode. However, the Release mode is recommended only for publish builds that are released to the app stores and for final testing. You can enable a publish build in the config.json file in your qml folder by setting the “stage” property to “publish”. For more information see: https://felgo.net/doc/felgo-publishing/

    2020-05-01 09:15:42.234482+0200 Pleb[1630:24312] [qml] VPGN: clearAllUserData() – this removes the local leaderboards & WebStorage data. only call this when testing during development and not in published apps, as otherwise users do not have offline & caching support

    2020-05-01 09:15:42.239792+0200 Pleb[1630:24312] [qml] userAchievements afer clearing with clearAllUserDataAtStartup: undefined

    2020-05-01 09:15:42.240300+0200 Pleb[1630:24312] [qml] VPGN: in initialize, read userData from storage: undefined

    2020-05-01 09:15:42.240550+0200 Pleb[1630:24312] [qml] VPGN: read storedOfflineSendingQueue at app startup: undefined

    2020-05-01 09:15:42.240817+0200 Pleb[1630:24312] [qml] VPGN: OfflineHandler: storeOfflineSendingQueue() called, storing this queue: []

    2020-05-01 09:15:42.243556+0200 Pleb[1630:24312] [qml] VPGN: autoLogin was true, so authenticate the last logged in player stored locally in a database

    2020-05-01 09:15:42.243746+0200 Pleb[1630:24312] [qml] VPGN: no existing token was found, so start a new login

    2020-05-01 09:15:42.243951+0200 Pleb[1630:24312] [qml] VPGN: authenticateLocalPlayer() called for user: {“deviceId”:”4155161845_3″,”facebookId”:””,”facebookToken”:””,”facebookTokenValid”:false,”userId”:0,”nickName”:””,”gender”:””,”blocked”:false,”locale”:”de_DE”,”profileImageUrl”:””,”authenticationToken”:””,”timestamp”:1,”customData”:””,”ranking”:0,”allowAutoLocaleDetection”:true}

    2020-05-01 09:15:42.244035+0200 Pleb[1630:24312] [qml] -> Triggering: login [current request # 0 ]

    2020-05-01 09:15:42.244154+0200 Pleb[1630:24312] [qml] –> Requesting: login [#1] , request: {“action”:”login”,”device_id”:”4155161845_3″,”platform”:”Mac”}

    2020-05-01 09:15:42.247873+0200 Pleb[1630:24312] [qml]     Start request: login

    2020-05-01 09:15:42.252568+0200 Pleb[1630:24312] [qml] multiSettings loaded with counterAppInstances value:7, userName: Spieler 0

    2020-05-01 09:15:42.254372+0200 Pleb[1630:24312] [qml] EntityManager: onCompleted()

    2020-05-01 09:15:42.262502+0200 Pleb[1630:24312] [qml] If you want to remove the Felgo Splash & loading screen, or to use plugins for monetization, analytics, push notifications, social networks & more, generate a license key for your app here: https://felgo.com/licenseKey

    2020-05-01 09:15:42.269082+0200 Pleb[1630:24312] Warning: Plugin “VPlay.plugins.onesignal” disabled: Plugin not supported on this platform

    2020-05-01 09:15:42.974081+0200 Pleb[1630:24312] [qml] VPGN: app became active, if not logged in yet try it again now

    2020-05-01 09:15:42.974146+0200 Pleb[1630:24312] [qml] VPGN: onApplicationResumed called! user is not authenticated yet, so call authenticateLocalPlayer()

    2020-05-01 09:15:42.974181+0200 Pleb[1630:24312] [qml] VPGN: no existing token was found, so start a new login


    Felgo Team

    @Ralf Please make sure that you have created and set a license key that includes the AdMob plugin e.g. for Android it can also help to create a fresh build, by removing the shadow build folder and running clean/qmake in Qt Creator. Android tends to cache a few things for development builds.

    @Joachim please send us your game ID to support@felgo.com and we can enable the multiplayer key for you.


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