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OverviewFelgo 1 Support › WebStorage generals


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  • #6577

    Felgo User

    Hi all,


    have a few questions about WebStorage.

    1.) is there a size limit of Storage?

    2.) can i use “per user webstorage” AND “per application webstorage” (i guess i have to use only different id’s in my code?)


    very nice feature!!! 😉 like it. —> i upvote the feature to change data from the WebDashboard.

    In future versions of Felgo Game Network, you will also be able to change the remote data from the Web Dashboard - if you would like to upvote this feature please let us know by contacting the Felgo support.

    that would be great, levelpack  & level handling would be easier, because i dont have to release a new update (no waiting time)

    When will this be implemented?



    Felgo Team


    1.) Currently we do not enforce a size limit – what kind of data do you expect to store having size concerns?


    2.) Yes you can have both kind of WebStorages! And yes use different ids to distinguish them in your code.

    Changing the data from a web dashboard has no ETA yet. However, you can change your per-app WebStorage data remotely already: just change the values from your desktop and it will get synced to all your mobile versions of your game! I would, however, not use it for example for level updates (although you could theoretically), but rather for tuning balancing-settings remotely, or to test different settings how often ads are shown for example. If you add new levels, an app update is a good idea because then your app downloads usually increase and your players see there is something going on in their game and that it is making progress.

    Cheers, Chris


    Felgo User

    1) i only store customLevelData for each level like (score, collectedStars, locked)

    2) nice to know!


    ok thats true with the update


    Felgo User


    i guess there is an upload limit for one get/set call?

    because if i send a big Array with Objects, the GameNetworks give me a Error Popup: No Internet Connection.

    If i send a smaller Array it works.

    Whats the upload Limit for one request?


    Felgo Team


    how “big” is your object in terms of file size/characters?

    Cheers, Chris


    Felgo User

    265 chars per level. and i have 24 levels now -> 6360

    it worked with 12 levels.


    now i optimized the data objects, and it works. But i want to know if there is a limit.


    Felgo Team

    This will be fixed with the next daily build update. We changed something in the client SDK, so an update to the store is required to take effect in your game.

    Cheers, Chris


    Felgo User

    What will be fixed? unlimited chars?


    Felgo Team

    Yes, it’s unlimited now.

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