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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › Repeater and property bindings

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  • #12122


    Hi. I have a select level scene in my game. When the player completes a level, I want the select level scene to update the button for that level. I use a repeater for my buttons and I’m trying to update the button using a property binding but this doesn’t work. I could use the ‘repeater.itemAt()’ function but my levels are spread across several repeaters (repeater1, repeater2, etc) so the code gets a bit messy. I’ve pasted some sample code below:


    import Felgo 3.0
    import QtQuick 2.0
    import "common"
    GameWindow {
        id: gameWindow
        width: 480
        height: 320
        property int levels: 4
        property int currentLevel: 0
        property var levelsComplete: [0,0,0,0]
        // bg
            anchors.fill: parent
            color: "#ece468"
        // instructions
        Text {
            anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
            y: 50
            text: "Click on a button to complete the level!"
            font.pixelSize: 20
        // levels
        Row {
            id: row
            anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
            anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
            spacing: 10
            Repeater {
                id: repeater
                model: levels
                MenuButton {
                    text: modelData+1
                    width: 40
                    height: 40
                    isComplete: levelsComplete[modelData] === 1
                    onClicked: {
                        currentLevel = modelData
                        // ...
                        // load a level 
                        // ...
                        // repeater.itemAt() works as expected
    //                    repeater.itemAt(currentLevel).isComplete = true
                        // property binding doesn't work
                        levelsComplete[currentLevel] = 1


    import QtQuick 2.0
    Item {
        id: button
        // this will be the default size, it is same size as the contained text + some padding
        width: buttonText.width + paddingHorizontal*2
        height: buttonText.height + paddingVertical*2
        // the horizontal margin from the Text element to the Rectangle at both the left and the right side.
        property int paddingHorizontal: 10
        // the vertical margin from the Text element to the Rectangle at both the top and the bottom side.
        property int paddingVertical: 5
        // access the text of the Text component
        property alias text: buttonText.text
        // this handler is called when the button is clicked.
        signal clicked
        property bool isComplete: false
        Rectangle {
            id: normal
            anchors.centerIn: parent
            width: parent.width
            height: parent.height
            color: "#e9e9e9"
            radius: 10
        Text {
            id: buttonText
            anchors.centerIn: parent
            font.pixelSize: 18
            color: "black"
        Rectangle {
            id: green
            visible: isComplete
            anchors.fill: parent
            color: "#63fd78"
            radius: 10
        MouseArea {
            id: mouseArea
            anchors.fill: parent
            hoverEnabled: true
            onClicked: {
            onPressed: button.opacity = 0.5
            onReleased: button.opacity = 1




    Felgo Team

    Hi Phil!

    Property bindings also work when using a Repeater. The problem here is just that changes within an array (levelsComplete) are not recognized as a change in the property value, thus no bindings are updated. If you copied the array and set the levelsComplete property to the new value, you’ll see that the binding works:

    onClicked: {
      currentLevel = modelData
      var copy = []
      for(var i = 0; i < levelsComplete.length; i++)
        copy[i] = levelsComplete[i]
      copy[currentLevel] = 1
      levelsComplete = copy // signals property change

    However, I think this is not a very good solution. A better solution would be to manually signal the property change:

    onClicked: {
      currentLevel = modelData
      levelsComplete[currentLevel] = 1 // changes within the array do not signal levelsCompleteChanged
      gameWindow.levelsCompleteChanged() // signal property change manually






    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by  GT.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by  GT.


    Great, thanks! Using levelsCompleteChanged() is a neat solution 🙂

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