Learn what Felgo offers to help your business succeed. Start your free evaluation today! Felgo for Your Business

1. Select the Plugins for your Application

Add plugins to your app or game in 5 minutes! Just click for instructions how to include this plugin to your project.

Ads & In-App Purchases


In-App Purchases & Virtual Economy


Ad Monetization & Promotion


Ad Monetization & Promotion
Backend as a Service

Google Firebase

Authentication, Analytics & Database

Felgo Game Network

Cloud Storage, User Auth, Chat & more

Felgo Multiplayer

Includes OneSignal Notifications

Apple Sign In

Sign in with Apple ID


Social sharing & friend invites

Game Center

Apple Game Center

OAuth 2.0

Sign in with OAuth 2.0 providers
Analytics & Testing

Firebase Analytics

App Analytics & Events


App Analytics & Events


User Analytics & App Statistics


Beta Distribution & Crash Reports

One Signal

Targeted Push Notifications

Google Cloud Messaging

Targeted Push Notifications

Parse Push Notifications

Targeted Push Notifications

Local Push Notifications

Schedule Local Notifications
Augmented Reality


Augmented Reality SDK

2.Start generating your License Key

Please log in to generate a License Key.

You require a License Key for your application to gain access to the following features:

  • Publish your games & apps for the app stores
  • Remove the Felgo Splash Screen or set a custom one
  • Add plugins to monetize, analyze & improve your apps
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