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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › Signals from native utils camera

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  • #18710


    I take image from camera. In one project it works OK, but in another not: signals from native utils seems to not come (camera starts, but no image shows on photo viewer :

        Connections {
          target: nativeUtils
          onCameraPickerFinished: {
            if(accepted) {
                photo.source = path
            uploadMessage.text = path


    How I can get to see any errors from my Android device? Or could I simulate nativeUtils in desktop compilation on Windows?

    Can you advice what could block connections for native utils?


    Felgo Team


    can you add log output to the onCameraPickerFinished signal to be 100% sure it is not called. Maybe there only is an error in the code that you are trying to run in the signal. If the camera picker starts correctly, everything should be set up just fine.




    I’ve written that onCameraPickerFinished is not invoked, as I change some app text to see any change at its beginning. What’s more: I copied similar page with camera from the other application that is fine – and it is not working here either. Can anything surpress this signal?



    Does it matter which versions of libraries I import?

    On that page with camera usage I have:

    import Felgo 3.0
    import QtQuick 2.9

    But in some other pages I have different versions.

    I have no other ideas at the moment. Looking forward to your advice..


    Felgo Team


    there is nothing that should suppress the signal.The imports also do not matter here.

    Can you send the project as zip archive to support@felgo.com so we can have a quick look at it?


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