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OverviewFelgo 3 Support (Qt 5) › Added Navigation menu to the cpp qml integration example and got error

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  • #21392


    I took this example:


    and added a Navigation menu like

    App {
        Page {
            id: mainPage
            title: qsTr("Example of C++ Integratation")
            visible: true
            Navigation {
                id: navigation
                NavigationItem {
                    title: qsTr("Page 1")
                    icon: IconType.list
                    // NavigationStack
                    NavigationStack {
                        initialPage: Page1 { }
                    } // end NavigationStack
                } // end NavigationItem
                NavigationItem {
                    title: qsTr("Page 2")
                    icon: IconType.calculator
                    // NavigationStack
                    NavigationStack {
                        initialPage: Page2 { }
                    } // end NavigationStack
                } // end NavigationItem
            } // end Navigation
        } // end Page
    } // end App

    I get the error:

    qrc:/qml/VPlayApps/navigation/NavigationItem.qml:243:5: QML Icon: Cannot anchor to an item that isn’t a parent or sibling.

    qrc:/qml/VPlayApps/controls/Icon.qml:70:3: QML QQuickText: Cannot anchor to an item that isn’t a parent or sibling.

    It crashes when I run the debug run, not Live.

    Page1 and Page2 look like:

    import Felgo 3.0
    import QtQuick 2.0
    Page {
        id: page1
        title: qsTr("Page 1")
    } // end Page

    Shadow build on or off id not help.

    Thanks for any help


    Felgo Team


    Page components are not meant to be nested inside each other. Please remove the wrapping “mainPage” component. The Navigation will show the page of the first NavigationItem as the initial page.




    Is the example wrong, if so it needs to be fixed, but it did not solve the problem, if I only have 1 NavigationItem it does not crash, but with 2 it crashes.

    Please try running the example, and you will see, I first got the orignal example running, then added Page1 and Page2, and then the Navigation Menu, first with one NavigationItem, then two, and the second one crashes.



    Felgo Team


    the Page1.qml of your example holds a whole app, including the App root component and a NavigationStack.

    So effectively your structure is App -> Navigation -> NavigationItem -> NavigationStack -> App -> NavigationStack -> Page while the bold part should only be a Page instead.




    Originally I did not make that mistake, but that did fix this issue, so my other issue must be in that page, and I did not make this mistake on that page, page is the top component, so it has something to do with my program, and not the fact it is in a navigation item, that is good to know, it narrows it down a little, I update the github example to a working example, because I like a lot of examples on how to do things.


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