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OverviewFelgo Plugins Support › AdMob

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  • #8670




    I am trying to load admob ads but this error shown

    V/ (24052): NotificationPresenterImpl::openDatabase

    D/Qt (24052): assets:/qml/Main4.qml:45 (onInterstitialFailedToReceive): qml: Interstitial not loaded

    V/webview (24052): WEBCORE_INITIALIZED_MSG_ID

    E/SQLiteLog(24052): (14) cannot open file at line 30202 of [00bb9c9ce4]

    E/SQLiteLog(24052): (14) os_unix.c:30202: (2) open(/NotificationPermissions.db) –

    D/WebKit (24052): ERROR:

    D/WebKit (24052): SQLite database failed to load from /NotificationPermissions.db

    D/WebKit (24052): Cause – unable to open database file

    D/WebKit (24052):

    D/WebKit (24052): external/webkit/Source/WebCore/platform/sql/SQLiteDatabase.cpp(71) : bool WebCore::SQLiteDatabase::open(const WTF::String&, bool)



    It was working perfectly before the update, i don’t know the happened

    Please help




    Felgo Team


    to be able to reproduce the error, are you using the latest Google Play Services lib (the version is unfortunately not declared in the lib files as far as I know but probably you can tell us the “created” date of the files or something else in case it is not the latest available library)?

    Also, is this a serious crash within the app or just a silent log output in the console?





    hi alex

    i copied the libs from the sample

    and its not crash, just app not showing ads


    Felgo Team


    I can’t reproduce the error with our AdmobSample from https://github.com/vplayplugins/AdMobSample on any of our test devices. Does this happen with this project too or only in your custom project?

    As the errors are AdMob SDK internal errors we probably need more information:

    • Which Android build target (architecture)?
    • Does it happen on all of your Android devices you have available for testing?
    • Are you using multiple AdMob items within your project? Do they have different adunit ids?
    • Are you using test ads (with testDeviceIds) or “real” ads?





    I think its caused because of integration of other plugins

    if i can send a sample thats will be great



    • This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by  maysalward.

    Felgo Team


    thanks for providing a sample project. When rrunning the project I encounter another error in the console which might be first:

    Invalid unknown request error: [Cannot determine request type. Is your ad unit id correct?]

    If i replace your ad unit ID & app identifier with the ones used in our demo app the banner is working just fine. Therefore, could you please check the ad unit id? Probably it’s best to create a new one (some Google results indicate an issue with a formerly blocked app in Google Play Store)?

    Regarding the integration of the plugin item itself: As it is an overlay on top of all Felgo components it’s either advisable to add the AdMob items as direct children of the GameWindow item, otherwise the anchoring might be broken. If you still want to add the items as children of a Scene you should use the following anchoring instead:

    AdMobBanner {
      anchors.horizontalCenter: gameWindowAnchorItem.horizontalCenter
      anchors.top: gameWindowAnchorItem.top






    I changed ids but nothing worked

    and the console show same output like my first post

    * i tested ur sample, its working OK  even with my ads IDs

    and this is the full log   https://www.dropbox.com/s/a5y991x1infn4ie/Log.rtf?dl=0

    V/ (24052): NotificationPresenterImpl::openDatabase

    D/Qt (24052): assets:/qml/Main4.qml:45 (onInterstitialFailedToReceive): qml: Interstitial not loaded

    V/webview (24052): WEBCORE_INITIALIZED_MSG_ID

    E/SQLiteLog(24052): (14) cannot open file at line 30202 of [00bb9c9ce4]

    E/SQLiteLog(24052): (14) os_unix.c:30202: (2) open(/NotificationPermissions.db) –

    D/WebKit (24052): ERROR:

    D/WebKit (24052): SQLite database failed to load from /NotificationPermissions.db

    D/WebKit (24052): Cause – unable to open database file

    D/WebKit (24052):

    D/WebKit (24052): external/webkit/Source/WebCore/platform/sql/SQLiteDatabase.cpp(71) : bool WebCore::SQLiteDatabase::open(const WTF::String&, bool)

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by  maysalward.
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by  maysalward.

    Felgo Team

    maysalward said:

    * i tested ur sample, its working OK  even with my ads IDs

    Did you also try to use your own app package identifier instead of “net.vplay.plugins.AdMobSample” with your own ad ids (don’t forget to change the license key in the sample)?

    (Actually the first error I can see is “I/Ads     (15257): No fill from ad server”.)




    I changed the package ID and the license key for the sample project

    it cause the same problem , i requested new license key may it solve the problem


    Felgo Team

    So the demo project with your own app identifier & ad-unit-id does not work, but the demo project with the provided app identifier (net.vplay.plugins.AdMobSample) does?

    Our license key does not affect the functionality of the plugin in any way (the license key is identical for the same version & package id), it just prevents it from loading if the key is invalid. So as suggested above, please check the ad-unit-id in the AdMob developer console for any hints and try to create a new ad-unit-id and give that one a try.





    Already i tested using new ad units IDs and tested using test device , same problem

    did u tried to run my sample project using my package id and code number?


    Felgo Team

    Yes, I got the error stated above and/or “Admob No fill from ad server – failed to load ad: 3”. Do you have any other AdMob enabled apps currently active within your AdMob console?

    Could you try your app id & ad-unit-id with one of AdMob’s demo applications (so without using Felgo/Qt at all) from here: https://github.com/googleads/googleads-mobile-android-examples (e.g. the BannerExample)?




    its not IDs problem, I tried to set my package ID with your adMob ids and its not working

    also i tried to set “net.vplay.plugins.AdMobSample” ID with my adMob IDs and its working

    so , we should agree that its not IDs problem, may its related to Package ID?


    Felgo Team

    Sorry for asking another time, just for clarification to recap your obsverations:

    • Our sample project shows ads when you replace our ad-unit-ids with your own ad-unit-ids (using the initial package identifier)?
    • Our sample project does *not* show ads if you replace our package identifier with your own (using the initial ad-unit-ids)?




    • Our sample project shows ads when you replace our ad-unit-ids with your own ad-unit-ids (using the initial package identifier)? YES
    • Our sample project does *not* show ads if you replace our package identifier with your own (using the initial ad-unit-ids)?YES, and also not show ads if i use my ad unit ids


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